Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Infants With Aspergers

countries of the world: 175. Trinidad and Tobago

Vers 1.1/5.3.11
• Boundaries: Islands of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Venezuela.
• The territory has an area of \u200b\u200b5,128 square kilometers and a population of 1,262,366 registered inhabitants in 2000 and 1,338,600 in 2009 with an estimated density 261 inhabitants / sq km. The capital Port of Spain has a population of 54,000 inhabitants in 2007 to become the urban agglomeration with 264,000 in 2004.
• Trinidad, which is the largest island of the archipelago, is mostly flat and covered with forests. More range is the small island of Tobago. The climate is tiposubequatoriale.
• Member of: Commonwealth, CSM, OAS, UN and WTO.
- Central Statistical Office.
- Internet users: 362.3 per 1000 inhabitants, of which DSL: 78.4 in 2009.

174: Tonga ↔ 176: Tunisia
to b c and d f g h the k l m or n p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. Main parameters . - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. Population . - 5. Justice . - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters. - It is a republic with President George Maxwell Richards on 17 March 2003 and Kamla Persad-Bissera prime minister since May 26, 2010. The President of the Republic is elected by parliament for a term of five years.

2. Historical notes . - Already a British colony and part of the West Indies Federation, the country is independent since 1962. On August 1, 1976 was proclaimed a Republic. Since 1995 there is an alternation of ruling parties, according to the democratic model that is considered that, according to the usual cliches che nel regime partitico e nella loro mera alternanza fanno consistere la democrazia, che come l’araba fenice ognuno dice che ci sia ma nessuna sa dove sia. Tutti questi paesi, distrutti dal colonialismo britannico, nella loro evoluzione originale, sono ora condannati a scimmiottare le forme politiche anglosassoni o continentali europei. Ed a seconda che ci scimmiottino bene o male sono detti da noi più o meno democratici

3 . Economia . – Le principali colture commerciali sono il cacao e la canna da zucchero. Le colture di sussistenza si limitano a mais e riso. Il settore di maggior rilievo è quello degli idrocarburi. Buone le riserve di gas naturale e notevole il deposito di bitume natural. The industry includes petrochemical plants, chemical factories, cement factories, breweries, cigarettes and rum. Typical is the liquor of Angostura, made from the bark of Galipea officinalis. are also relevant tourism activities, focusing in particular on the island of Tobago. Most visitors arrive from the USA.

4. Population . - Ethnic groups are composed of 39.2% for blacks, Indians 38.2%, 16.3% for mestizos, Chinese for 1, 6%, white plus 1%, other 3, 3%. The Catholic religion is represented by the 29.4% from 23.8% for Hindus, by Protestants to 18.8% from 10.9% for the Anglicans, Muslims for 5.8%, other 11.3%.

5. Justice. - Is the death penalty in force.

6. Defense. - Data not available.

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