Monday, December 31, 2007

Recovery Time For Bladder Sling Surgery

The first survey of the Commissioner Commissioner Angelo Cantagallo

Collitondi Spring is coming and also to the troubles for the Commissioner Angelo Cantagallo. A dead end of the Tuscan village becomes the silent scene of bloody crimes. Immigrant workers are killed with a knife by a brutal murderer who seems to play a "cat and mouse" with the Commissioner. The murderess Cantagallo that puts in check, along with his team of skilled colleagues, carry out thorough investigation to find the culprit. Very few tracks and no witnesses, this is the daily bread of Cantagallo moving into employment and non-black construction of the country. The commissioner of the investigative trail is winding and bumpy: the whole "hills and hollows," as they say in the country. But since, it says that "hill and make the hole surface, eventually paving the way for the cop Collitondi. The investigation technique is unusual: it is followed every track and every indication that, for the Commissioner, are the pieces of a "mosaic criminal." Completed the "mosaic" is resolved l’indagine. Cantagallo analizza i fatti nella sua stanza da lavoro, il vero e proprio laboratorio investigativo del commissariato. Cantagallo cerca di ricostruire il luogo in cui sono avvenuti i delitti e prende in considerazione ogni piccolo dettaglio: visiona anche un filmino del vicolo per immedesimarsi meglio nella scena del crimine. Le cose però si complicano e il commissario capisce che deve agire rapidamente e con molta cautela. A complicargli la vita c’è pure il suo capo, il Questore Fumi Zondadari, detto Zorro dallo stesso Cantagallo. Il Questore lo intontisce di frasi in latino per mascherare la propria incapacità investigativa e per mettere in difficoltà il commissario. Cantagallo è un tipo che non cede facilmente e ribatte a suon di proverbi che lasciano frastornato il Questore e gli permettono di abbandonare la discussione, prima che degeneri. Il commissario abbandona volentieri le discussioni, ma non rinuncia alla buona tavola. Abitualmente, insieme ai colleghi Razzo e Bandino, mangia al ristorante “Attanasio”, dove i piatti squisiti e l’accoglienza della proprietaria sono il migliore biglietto da visita della rinomata struttura gastronomica cittadina. La buona cucina paesana, però, non distrae Cantagallo che con la sua esperienza, la sua intelligenza e la sua squadra riesce a venire a capo della vicenda e a completare il “mosaico”. Tutto è stato risolto con un colpo a sorpresa del commissario. Le sorprese per il lettore, però, non sono finite: waits in the alley last Cantagallo San Giorgio. It certainly seems like the Quaestor Zondadari: "Dura lex sed lex ... to Collitondi.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hindi Dohas On Friendship


Very few tracks and no witnesses, this is the daily bread of the Commissioner Cantagallo. The Tuscan cop moves in the streets of the small country in search of Collitondi guilty of the crime. The investigation technique is unusual: it is followed every track and every indication that, for the Commissioner, are the pieces of a "mosaic criminal." Completed the "mosaic" is answered to the investigation. Cantagallo analyze the facts in his work room, the real laboratory investigation the police station. To make his life there is also his boss, the Quaestor Fumi Zondadari, Zorro said the same Cantagallo. The Quaestor stuns the Latin phrases to mask their inability to put in investigation and difficulties. The commissioner does not like threads, but does not give up good food. Usually, with colleagues Rocket and Bandini, eat at the restaurant "Attanasio", where delicious food and hospitality of the owner are the best business structure visit the renowned culinary town. Good food village, however, does not distract Cantagallo that with his experience, his intelligence and his team always manages to get on top of each other criminal e a completare il “mosaico”.

==Il personaggio==
Il commissario '''Angelo Cantagallo''' della Polizia di Stato, è il protagonista dei romanzi - le "indagini" - e dei racconti - le "inchieste" - pubblicati e in corso di pubblicazione dallo scrittore toscano Fabio Marazzoli.
Angelo Cantagallo è il commissario toscano che indaga sui fatti criminali che accadono a Collitondi, un piccolo paese immaginario, ma non troppo, della Toscana centrale. Il nome Cantagallo è stato scelto dall'autore per rendere omaggio alla terra della sua regione di nascita: la Toscana.
Il commissario Cantagallo è un uomo di mezza età simpatico e intelligente, sposato, con una moglie, Iolanda Macaluso, and a son, Louis. Cantagallo is always ready to joke, loves proverbs villagers and good food, he hates the Latin and all those complicated sentences that are not easily comprehensible to ordinary people and even to him.
Cantagallo Angelo's character is fictional as well as colleagues who make up its team of police Collitondi small Tuscan village in the province of Castronuovo.
The events are characterized by reasoning with colleagues in the investigation of the police team of PS Collitondi, near Castronuovo. Talks between the commissioner and his colleagues are held in the "work room" during walks or "indigestion" after lunch along the river Marne. Commissioner Cantagallo is also the protagonist of certain investigative squabbles, with strokes of Tuscan proverbs and Latin phrases, with the Quaestor Fumi Zondadari Castronuovo of Police Headquarters. The commissioner wants to discover the culprit of a crime at all costs, while the Questor does everything to avoid any investigation insidious. At the end of the discussion, Commissioner Cantagallo always check that can sort out the survey within a few days and find the culprit. All of this is from the setting of the small Tuscan village of Collitondi nestled among the green hills of Chianti.

== Life ==
Cantagallo Angelo was born about forty years ago in Montecaiano, a fictional country in the province of Florence, in a family of humble origins who were peasants in the countryside town of the homonymous Montecaiano. He graduated in accountancy in Florence and graduated in Science Politichecon the highest honors, again in Florence. He began his career shortly after the age of thirty, he did an apprenticeship that led him to Collitondi as commissioner.
Cantagallo Angelo has a habit of daily "feel the weather and to forecast weather on the weather, up to a maximum of twelve hours. The time that is sufficient to meet the needs of his working day in and around the country. For the forecast notes that the sky seen from the window of his bath before shaving. Leverage the fact that the window you can see almost the entire valley of the Marne Valley, with a splendid view of the main hills of the valley from the Hill to Hill Vigna Traverso old, through the Round Hill. From that window you can admire too much of the countryside is bathed in the river Marne. Essential for its "forecast" weather was the look on the horizon beyond the hill Traverso and then the next look to the sky, on the other side, to and beyond the old Hill Vineyard. On that side, often in the afternoon of the day, threatening clouds may come filled with water. But above all, it is important that the weather plays Cantagallo of regional news, the night before. Sometimes it takes the considerations of whether or not weather well in the flight of flocks of migratory birds, that already early in the morning, were brought over Round Hill. In the view of Angelo, their absence was in flight to provide, almost without a doubt, the probable and imminent arrival of storm clouds and rain, always annoying obstacles to the flight of birds. Therefore, after careful and comprehensive observation of the sky, Cantagallo draw "his forecast" weather you need to let him frame the day, but also to let him choose the most appropriate clothing to wear for that day's work.
Commissioner Cantagallo is a lover of good food and, together with his colleagues, Dining at the restaurant of Collitondi Attanasio and after lunch is a digestive walk along the banks of the River Marne with Bandino rocket and always eat lunch with him. All three are the usual stroll through the pedestrian street that runs along the Marne River from the deck of the bridge Pertini Berlinguer, towards the town Malvoni, then returned in the center of the country where the police station. Cantagallo has a soft spot for some sweet and to him are a real treat of donuts "Neapolitan pastry Pipitone" in the center of the country. Commissioner Cantagallo like to walk along the River Marne and then come down on one of the benches located along the riverbank, near the shade of some acacias, for think about solving a case is particularly complicated, is fascinated by the beauty of nature and loves to contemplate the natural beauty of the countryside collitondese during his walks.
complicated the relationship with the Quaestor Cantagallo Vittorio Zondadari Fumi and his vicar Raffaele Bonadonna.

== ==
Cantagallo The character can not stand questioning where they should be heard and many people in such cases, delegates the hearings to his deputy Nicola and only then, when his deputy has done the initial screening, it was decided to interview individual witnesses to hear what they have to say. Cantagallo not bear even the "Race of the donkeys" because it is the delight Zondadari the Quaestor and this is another element that contributes to a deteriorating relations between the Commissioner and the Quaestor. Cantagallo not stand the Quaestor also quoting the Latin phrases and that is always busy with the "Race of the asses" of the city of Castronuovo. Commissioner Cantagallo love proverbs, with particular interest to those Tuscans because they are simply the result of the ancient wisdom of our grandparents and are part of the assets of a popular culture that should not be forgotten. It is absolutely not true that speaking in dialect. Just a little hint of dialect, but it is human nature to all of Tuscany. E 'firmly believes that every Latin phrase is hidden the true meaning of things, while each proverb lies a little truth. For the Commissioner, proverbs have been and are still today the wisdom of the people. The proverbs are part of a great heritage, formed by the dialect, the mentality, the traditions and many other things. In short, from what can be defined as popular culture. This culture is generally handed down by the men and their descendants for many centuries, the sayings were probably the only school for dozens of generations of our ancestors. They are passed down through the customs, habits, world view, and shall report the rules of morality and behavior in everyday life. The proverbs are often used, in the sense of humor, to show some human characters, and many times they lay down their use of real life social practices that end up becoming costume. Proverbs contain many different recommendations on any subject and any circumstance of life. The proverbs and certain verbal expressions enable us to understand many aspects of nature and the unwritten history of our old. Through proverbs and idioms, you can discover the most authentic of our ancestors. You can better understand the reasons for many of our ways of being and our identity as a people, with particular behaviors that are clearly identified and that differentiate the various inhabitants of the neighboring countries. For all these reasons for the Commissioner Cantagallo proverbs are a cultural heritage of all and must be preserved. The Latin quotation for Cantagallo, belongs to the past, is not in the way of talking about ordinary people. Manifests a kind of detachment with the simple and humble people, marks the distance between "mean" and "doing". It represents, in some incompetent people, the last bastion to justify anything done to obfuscate this obvious fact, to make a smoky explanation that does not exist. Cantagallo, in discussions with the Quaestor Zondadari, now, does not understand the Latin phrase never really told him that the Quaestor. Then, when at home, with the help of his wife and trying remember the phrase, try to translate it to understand its true meaning. It can not be otherwise: a commissioner who is able to translate the "messages" of the objects of investigation, may not be able to translate sentences of Questor? On the subject of the interpretation of the "messages" of the objects we talk about it later. Sometimes accommodates some proverbs at will to adapt to certain situations, especially when she meets the Quaestor Zondadari.

== ==
The situations in the police office door Cantagallo should always be open, wide open, otherwise it feels like choking. Every morning finds all the objects in his desk at the police moved and placed upside down, as if night-time thieves had entered his office. The explanation for this is simple enough, as the cleaning ladies of the company "Velox" Castronuovo seem to have contracted with the commissioner a kind of fierce struggle, where every day that God puts on earth, the commissioner system logically all objects of the desk and then every evening, late at night, the "puliziotte" absent-mindedly, they say, even if the excuse is mainly due to the speed with which they do their work, ensure all upset Ambaradan the commissioner with the excuse of having to clean dust from the desk of the Commissioner. The Commissioner, almost all day, to see his desk desecrated by "puliziotte", "Lord Mastrolindo, resigned to that fate ungrateful and replace all items married. Another problem for Cantagallo are the pigeons are the masters in the square outside the police station, so that sometimes the Commissioner is hit by pigeon droppings thrown, due to natural, from birds of the place, the police of the police have in vain tried to drive away pigeons from the square but never be completely successful, partly because the local branch of the provincial environmental Castronuovo club called "Club for the Protection of Italian Dove," and dubbed by collitondesi as the "Circle of Pipi", is opposed to harassment in no uncertain terms to the birds, telling them, made by police officers Collitondi, threatening always bitter legal battles to protect the bird piccionesco, defined as the emblem of the free nature of the province casterese and the city of Castronuovo. Environmentalists say that kind of pigeon expelled from the square is not native Collitondi, but of Castronuovo where he has over the years of ingetilirsi and enhanced, before reaching Collitondi where mixing with other species of pigeon has more vulgar threatened the purity of the protected species of pigeon Castrese. Also according to environmentalists, the pigeon Castronuovo must be considered a protected species and must also be at Collitondi. According to the president of the "Circle of Pipi", the scientific rationale for all known species of pigeon Castrese, the city of Castronuovo must also be considered the "cradle of nature," as well as the "cradle of culture."

== Technical investigation and "Criminal Mosaic" ==
Every object, every track, with each test, speak his language to the Commissioner Cantagallo: this is what he says. Cantagallo for every good detective should be able to understand the language of each oggetto.Cantagallo always trying to improve their technique for the analysis of criminal acts. Each piece of his "Criminal Mosaic", as he says, was to have its precise location. All hypotheses must be supported by evidence and incontrovertible. "An assumption of no evidence, with the Quaestor Zondadari, has little substance.", It often says the Commissioner and his colleagues when they are in the midst of an investigation. Sometimes Cantgallo enter in "Michelangelo's crisis" and was tempted to ask some object: "Why do not you talk?", As he did at the time another Tuscan much more famous than him. It seems strange, but sometimes also the objects "speak" to Cantagallo. Not in a clear and audible to everyone, certainly. Rather, each of them speaks with a particular language that must be well understood, to be understood correctly. Each piece speaks a language unknown to most, but which may be understood by a skilled investigator. A good cop, so it can act as "interpreter" and can interpret the meaning of what an object means. He's the commissioner and his men understand the language of objects gathered during an investigation, decrypt the message and discover the true content, which will help to solve a murder. The investigation technique is unusual: it is followed every track and every indication that, for Cantagallo, are the pieces of a "mosaic criminal." Completed the "mosaic", the inquiry is resolved. The Commissioner examines the facts in his "work room", the real laboratory investigation of the police. Cantagallo always tries to reconstruct the place where the crime occurred and takes into account every little detail: the vision, the home video shot by the police forensic team to identify himself better in the crime scene. The Commissioner is very attentive to the scene of the crime and the crime scene as a whole: always wears his colleagues and is wearing single-use gloves for hands and plastic boots over shoes so as not to contaminate the environment. His technique is unusual investigation with a final stroke of genius can to always fit the culprit and make him confess. The Quaestor

== ==
The Police, Dr. Vittorio Fumi Zondadari, Zorro has been nicknamed by the Commissioner because the Quaestor Cantagallo loves to sign the measures with his name in large letters, above all, the zeta Zondadari is so great that it seems the zeta of famous swordsman of the past and that earned him the nickname of Zorro by men of the team of the Commissioner. The Quaestor perfectly cites the Latin phrases at the beginning or end of each speech, knowing that they enrage the Commissioner that, having done bookkeeping and then the Faculty of Political Science, does not understand the phrase never good latina che il Questore gli ha detto. Poi, quando i casi si complicano oppure vanno per le lunghe, approfitta della situazione per mettere in difficoltà il commissario e lo apostrofa in modo sgarbato dandogli di ragioniere. Il Questore lo schernisce, fingendo di dimenticarsi che il commissario oltre ad essere ragioniere è pure laureato con tanto di lode. Zondadari parla sempre un italiano cattedratico e ricercato, sempre infarcito di paroloni, perché è nato nella città di Castronuovo, dove, a suo dire, si parla e si scrive il vero italiano e non quella sorta di dialettaccio strascicato, sgrammaticato e volgare che parla il commissario e tutti gli uomini della sua squadra. La vera passione del Questore è il "Palio dei Somari": lui è Captain of the noble district of "locker" Castronuovo city, where there is the Palio.

== ==
Deputy Vice Questor Questor's deputy vicar, Dr. Raffaele Bonadonna was called by Commissioner Garcia with the nickname. Bonadonna bear barely Zondadari Quaestor, just like the famous Sergeant Garcia clumsy antagonist of Zorro stories of the writer Johnston McCulley, hence its nickname. Bonadonna talking to the inspector gives you and always keeps a distance. Bonadonna, however, and always tries to imitate the Quaestor awkwardly quote the Latin phrases unlikely without an excel sense, meaning, and always telling her inappropriately.

==La presenza nel mondo editoriale==
La sua prima apparizione è nel libro intitolato "Dentro un vicolo cieco", 2007, Lalli Editore, Poggibonsi (Siena).

Monday, November 12, 2007

Come Dog Give People Impetigo

ARIANNA Spizzico

Tra arte e cultura oltre i limiti della sequenza

a cura di Toti Carpentieri

Sul reperto affiorante da una sorta di magma cromatico solcato da tracciati, apparentemente casuali, alcune presenze vagamente Metal draw our attention to the reflection of light rays and a sort of cryptic messages indecipherable and sometimes literary sometimes arranged in a clear numerical sequences.
And so from the pyramids, and squares (the latter having fifty-five, thirty-four, twenty-one, thirteen, eight, five, three inches square ..) Arianna Spizzico, with the mind, we fly in space and time .- omissis-
... But time and space are represented? And how?
William Blake, English artist refined in which the sensory data is transformed into figurative and prophetic vision, idendificava time with the male and female with the space, and stresses as their interpenetration could produce the events, even those special and complex. While the chemistry recognizes the male and female sulfur in Mercury.
... The uniqueness of the works and in their succession and reflected no longer interested in the relationship between sign and thing, but that between the sign and sign language strictly in accordance with a plan in which the sequence of interpretations is made to same time, by verbal symbols and figures. Confirms that the communication is a mental process. -Omitted-
... The presence of metals and works of Ariadne, seem so to undergo a kind of fermentation while the same chemical and physical phenomena, but also how that language, in a kind of transmutation / oxidation, allows objects (those recognizable - shells, diodes, integrated circuits, and the mystery-even fragments, chips, scrap-) and the global construction-that being sunk in the magma chromaticity of the painting - to acquire the status of a work of art.
The luminescent trails crossing the spatial symbolism of the pyramid - that multiply the triangularity and the subsequent reference to the pagan and religious significance of the number three - bring us up to the conch shell, perhaps left by pilgrims in the same path that goes from to Santiago in the certainty of reaching the star to imposessarsene. Again
between memory e suggestione, in recupero poetico e metaforico del passato ben oltre ogni valore feticista, ma nella capacità consolidata di stabilire una interconnessione tra il presente e il futuro.
E ricordando che Democrito dice: "...è assai difficile conoscere quali siano le reali proprietà delle cose", non possiamo non chiederci: Dove mai finirà l'altro capo del filo di Arianna?.

Friday, January 12, 2007

2000 Watt Inverter Schmatic Diagrams

Consumer credit: a social evil or aid to families?

Taken from my other blog, political: Club Tiberino

For once I want to treat a subject light, away from the tragedy of war. In order to draw the moral of the story, which is not a small story but did absolutely true. I refrain from naming names and last names because I do not want to hit people, but lambast unfair trade practices. The story under the heading of protection of consumers. There are associations specific times in order, but it's nothing compared to widespread misconduct in the Italian trade system, where the poor Italian consumer pay the same things and the same services more expensive than in other European countries. The fact is fairly well known and if This is often referred. Bersani with his famous decree and its "liberalization" was intended to affect the industry.

The fact then. I had an old TV Grundig purchased about twenty years ago. I decided to replace him for reasons of age, and operation. My choice for several months had focused on a Samsung 26-inch TV, which is five inches longer than my old Grundig glorious. This week, returning from Calabria, where I brought the old Grundig, I decide to buy programs. To my amazement I find that at a lower price had just left a Samsung 27-inch at a lower cost to boot. The old model was offered in a major shopping street Marconi at a discounted rate but still higher than the new 27-inch model, which had the same technical characteristics of the 26 "but with an inch more. At first torn between the two models I inquire to the young clerk, clerk to the television department. He told me that 26 inches was more robust and would be more lasted over time. The resolution, like the sound and the same, but the strength was greater. I am led to believe that anyone who sells a product has at least some knowledge of what sells. Wrong. Meanwhile, the first problem was the match in centimeters of an inch. For the young clerk had an inch and a half. I knew 2.54 cm, but I wanted to give credit the seller of the sale. Return home to look up and read a Garzantine 2.54 cm. Back to the clerk and the mean response of the Encyclopedia. Does not admit of being made an error of ignorance and so almost Solomonic it suggests that the Encyclopedia is wrong or that there are other correspondences between inches and centimeters, so if you are an inch and a half, two or three or five. If ignorance is, I verified that is shared by the Chief, who declined to respond to expressed eplicita question: how many inches is an inch? Not answer the question, and subtract. Shall purchase, considering that 26 "was now an obsolete product that came out of produzuione replaced by model 27 ". I paid 15 € wondered why I was all brought home. Since there was no requirement for installation and commissioning of the device, I had to wait a couple of days, the weight of the unit was light, I had to just turn the corner of Viale Marconi Blaserna away, I decided to take I am at home with the equipment and to pay me the 15 € so I saved a social dinner for the evening. So far nothing exceptional if not ignorance of the seller who did not know or knew the bad match between inches and centimeters, in addition to its attempt to trim at a higher price a product obsolete.

helping with book instructions solve various problems related to the first operation. I'll be back several times to seek guidance, but the boys do not know enough and I also recommend bad. I buy from a shop in front of a SCART socket and resolve the problem. Returning the next day I find that even the 27 inches was now being offered at a discount of 10 percent. As a joke I ask the sales manager to make use of the right of withdrawal, other than the warranty, I could return the product, packaged, and then reappeared soon after with a ten percent discount. The sales manager, at first denied this theoretical possibility of having to return the product back the money spent. Then I explained that the ten per cent discount is valid not for cash buyers, but anyone who uses a Finzi, namely consumer credit. And here I come finally to the object of my discourse.

I know I heard it is widespread in America that this kind of credit. Indeed this phenomenon is related to the recent fall of Wall Street securities. Around the phenomenon of financial jungle thrives, and Americans do not seem ruthless to buy with money that did not quite trivial things like a TV. In my country wisdom I hardly ever wanted to buy anything on installment or credit. I've never wanted to take out loans. I knew from experience that buying in cash I would have paid less. Instead, the big retailer tells me that Marconi Avenue se voglio pagare il dieci per cento in meno mi devo avvalere dei servizi di una finanziaria, da me sempre evitate come la peste e gli usurai, forse con eccessivo pregiudizio. Manifesto il mio stupore e la mia protesta non è per qualche decina di euro, ma per una pratica commerciale che giudico assolutamente scorretta e lesiva per i consumatori. I miei sospetti vanno anche oltre, ma non li esterno se non con qualche brontolio generico ed incomprensibile.

Voglio cercare anche una controprova. Attraverso la strada e vado ad un negozio concorrente di fronte, meno grosso in esposizione di metri quadrati, ma a prima vista più serio. Lo stesso prodotto avrei potuto comprarlo in contanti a 675 euro anziché 699, ma soprattutto ottengo la risposta giusta. They know tell me how many inches is an inch and I confirm that the model 26 "is now obsolete and out of production. My anger is not for the price difference that I could save. I know from experience that to achieve the best price I have to compare the best deals of at least five or six retailers. This time I did not want to shoot at home and I promised that I would have bought a new TV soon. The regrettable fact is the practice of consumer credit, perhaps according to a model imported from America, but in my opinion pernicious social effects. One more reason not to be unconditional and uncritical admirers of all things American.

do not know if I pique will run again tomorrow morning, causing me to return the product to require repayment of € 699, then to repurchase the same product to 675 € in the shop opposite. There were other times, such as buying a little Canon, I noticed a significant price difference and I wisely purchased elsewhere. Of course, even if they offer their products at a lower price (there's that risk!) Does not even buy a battery in a shop, which I consider unfair trade practice and skill to put it mildly. It speaks not unfounded widespread poverty due to the introduction of the euro. Thinking of the "financial", thanks to which the seller offers tricks 10 percent less than the same product if paid in installments rather than in cash, I'm afraid the predictable degeneration of the system and the social risk. If I had not had the cash to spend as futile a new television, would go on for another twenty years with my old Grundig. Now I discover that I must debt. In fact I think a "healthy" trade could sell well in cash twenty per cent less a product that has decided to sell on credit only ten percent discount if purchased through a financial contribution. This is an economy addicted to which I hope you know how to turn his attention Bersani.

Send this post to the various associations reserves to provide consumers with more precise information and do further investigation ... I just finished speaking with the office of the great chain of electronics stores, from whom I bought my Samsung 27 ". I explained to him that my intention in the introduction is not to make negative publicity to the dealer network. I just do not buy anything individually in the network in question, especially since I have seen on other occasions as the prices are not at all the best in the market. I have become the bearer of a general interest and asks for confirmation of a fact to me pathological and socially harmful. I then received authoritative confirmation that an exact same product in exactly the same day on exactly the same shelf will cost 10 percent less when purchased on credit instead of cash. In practice, those who buy in cash will be penalized compared to those who buy on credit. The fiinanziarie (I was made to the name of Findomestik) are known to the charities who care about the well being of Italian families and therefore allow their services because the Italians can buy appliances that they need in their homes. Would be further developed as the financial services may gain in spite of their charities. But that's another story. The system seems to be quite widespread. I was not aware of the fact not ordinarily be used to finance, of which I will not necessarily pensar male. Scopro tuttavia di essere penalizzato in quanto consumatore che si concede il “lusso” di voler pagare in contanti e si ostina a non voler accedere al credito, se non in condizioni eccezionali non disponendo di propri contanti.