Sunday, March 13, 2011

Personalized Chapstick Diy

The Zionist issue and the Middle East - From "Modern East" chronicles of 1921: § 46th: Against the Syrian Congress in Geneva

§ 46a/1921 § Precedente /Successivo
La lettura di «Oriente Moderno», anno 1921, secondo semestre, offre una sobria e rigorosa rassegna stampa delle notizie sulla Palestina, il Vicino Oriente e l’affermarsi del sionismo. È qui possibile una duplice modalità di lettura: in verticale ( ↑↓ ) , a papiro, in un singolo post, di tutto e del solo testo originale dei fascicoli mensili, dove diviso per capitoli (cap., c.) e annate con qualche illustrazione grafica si affianca qui una diversa read in horizontal mode ( ← → ) , a book of each paragraph (§), where you can webgrafia with a critical commentary, notes, iconography and any useful integration . the player you want to read the texts without any mediation of the Trustee may move to the vertical reading, a papyrus with a simple click on the number of the chapter, while those who want an analysis and discussion of texts that make use of the equipment supplied by the Curator or participate in the Forum, may find more interest in a different editing the same text. It is hoped that the signs prepared and the many pages link to facilitate navigation in a hypertext encyclopedia-sized.

c. 46th 45th ← ← § § 46th → § 47th

Against Syrian Congress in Geneva
by: East Modern ,
Year I, No. 6, p. 362
November 15, 1921.

Against Syrian Congress in Geneva . - On Oct. 5, from his home in Deir Qannobin (25 km. In a straight line SE of Tripoli in Syria), the Maronite Patriarch Huwayyek Peter Elias has directed the General Gouraud, High Commissioner (mufawwad Sami ) in France for Syria, a protest against the Congress Siriamo Geneva, which is reported in full in the Arab newspaper al-Arz Beirut, October 19. He denies the party that issued the Congress, the right to speak for the Lebanon front alla Società delle Nazioni , tanto più che il partito del Congresso parla di annettere il Libano alla Siria e di togliere il Mandato francese.

Ciò, dice il Patriarca, è contrario ai voti dei Libanesi; voti ch’egli era stato incaricato di presentare al Congresso della Pace. A nome dei Libanesi egli ripete che questi vogliono l’indipendenza del «Grande Libano» (Lubnan al-Kabir) [dalla Siria], proclamata dallo stesso generale Gouraud , ed il Mandato francese ch’essi hanno scelto liberamente. Invita il Generale a far pervenire questa protesta alla Società delle Nazioni .

The newspaper al-Arz , the number of October 18, reports the telegram, that the Prince Mishal Lutfallah , president of the Congress, directed to the October 13th Party Central Committee (Alexandria) , saying he was saddened the protests of some of his compatriots, who deny the quality of their representative. He adds: "I regret their haste, since we do not speak for them, we do not speak on behalf of those seeking the mandate for their country, but on behalf of the Syrian parties acting for the independence of their country without a warrant. We were not a delegation, but a Congress that represented these parties of independence. "

The Syrian or Syrian-Palestinian Congress (suri Filastin) in Geneva cf. Oriente Moderno, fasc. 5th, p. 291: above.

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Other periodicals 1921. - Navigation: Index of Sources and Directories : History - Analytical . - Forum: " Forum" Civium Libertas . - Societas " Civium Libertas."

Genital Warts Turn Black

The Zionist issue and the Middle East - From "Modern East" chronicles the year 1921: § 11th : Churchill's Speech on the Middle East

§ 11a/1921 § Precedente / Successivo
La lettura di «Oriente Moderno», anno 1921, secondo semestre, offre una sobria e rigorosa rassegna stampa delle notizie sulla Palestina, il Vicino Oriente e l’affermarsi del sionismo. È qui possibile una duplice modalità di lettura: in verticale ( ↑↓ ) , a papiro, in un singolo post, di tutto e del solo testo originale dei fascicoli mensili, dove diviso per capitoli (cap., c.) e annate con qualche illustrazione grafica si affianca here a different interpretation in horizontal mode ( ← → ) , a book of each paragraph (§), where you can webgrafia with a critical commentary, notes, iconography and any useful integration . the player you want to read the texts without any mediation of the Trustee may move to the vertical reading, a papyrus with a simple click on the number of the chapter, while those who want an analysis and discussion of texts that make use of the equipment supplied by the Curator or participate in the Forum, may find more interest in a different editing the same text. It is hoped that the signs prepared and the many pages link to facilitate navigation in a hypertext encyclopedia-sized.

c. 11th 10th § § ← 11th. § 12th

Churchill Speech on the Middle East

by: Modern East,
Year I, No. 2,
July 15, 1921, p. 82-85

Churchill speech on the Middle East. - The June 14 held Churchill in the House of Commons on his first speech as Minister of the Colonies, the budget of 27.197 million pounds for 'salary and expenses in the Middle East. "

He points out that England, replacing the turkish government in Palestine and Mesopotamia, has undertaken to provide for their future and can not now fail to fulfill its obligations. Certainly they are not unlimited, and could need to recognize how hard the financial resources and British military are not able to do more. But it is not has yet reached that far, and indeed appears to be justified in the hope of a happy solution, provided the cost of Mesopotamia and Palestine to be reduced within practical limits and reasonable. This was his first thought. Here

Churchill tells the story of the Department for the Middle East, which he founded to coordinate the political and military action in those areas, it depends directly on the Ministry of Colonies and is accountable to Parliament, which votes separately the issues relating thereto. His training enabled him to reduce the effects, an impossible task until the military leadership was separated da quella politica.

Se l’attuale politica potrà svolgersi secondo le sue previsioni, i preventivi normali del 1922-23 per ambedue quei paesi non supereranno 9 o 10 milioni di sterline, 10 milioni meno dell’attuale bilancio.

Parla poi dei metodi e della politica che permetteranno di raggiungere tali risultati, e comincia dalla Mesopotamia od Irak, a cui nel giugno 1920 l’Alto Commissario Cox promise la prossima costituzione di un Governo arabo sotto un sovrano arabo. Promessa in gran parte adempiuta; da parecchi mesi funziona un Governo provvisorio native format from the Naqib of Baghdad that despite the old age has rendered valuable services, (see below in OM p. 90, col. I: Here in footnote 1).

The interim government will be replaced in summer by a Government based on an assembly elected by the people of Iraq, a sovereign Arab pleased with the Assembly and the Arab army for national defense.

England does not intend to impose on Iraq a prince who was not chosen by the country, but as a mandatory power can not be lack of interest in this matter.

will be up to Commissioner Percy Cok [1864-1937], deep knowledge of the country, and having personal relationships with the chiefs in the country and with the various candidates to lead the people of Iraq and its wise choice. The potential policies towards the Arabs are two: keep them divided, encourage local governments and fomenting rivalries between tribes (and this was the Turkish policy before the war). Or - the only program compatible with its promises to the Arabs during the war - around Baghdad to try to establish an Arab friend of England and its allies, capable of reviving the ancient culture, ancient glories of the race. England has decided to follow the latter policy. The only basis on which we can combine to give satisfaction to the Arab nation, is home Sceriffiana of Mecca. The Re Husein and his sons Faisal and Abdallah declared war on the Turks and participated effectively in the war for the liberation of Palestine. Both Emirs have great influence in Iraq, in the class as religious in the military, and among the Shiites. "The members of the Faisal was invited to go to Mesopotamia and attend to the people and that the meeting will be convened soon. King Husein allowed him the invitation of acceptable, el'Emiro Abdallah has renounced his rights in his favor. I informed the Emir Faisal , in response to his requests that are not hampered his candidacy, that he is free to go to Mesopotamia, where, if chosen, will be recognized and supported by England. He has already left Mecca and arrive in Mesopotamia between about ten days. "

If the National Assembly, once elected, will choose Faisal , there will be good reason for hope in the future of responsible government that Britain aims to support until it can do for itself, allowing a rapid and regular reduction of its charges.

"The defense of India will better organize our strategic frontier, Mesopotamia is not like India, capital of strategic importance to us. We are strongly in favor of the solution sceriffiana both in Mesopotamia and in Transjordan, and help the Sheriff of Mecca, financially damaged by the suspension of the pilgrimage, in the interests Muslims of our subjects we want to see restored. " We must carefully monitor the impact of this on potitica powerful Wahhabi sect, which is at war with Husein and with all its neighbors. The leader of the Wahhabis was well disposed towards England and is in intimate relations with Sir Percy Cox . He will continue the subsidy of 60,000 Lst., Subject to the maintenance of order and subject to confiscation for compensating victims of its aggression possible.

It is hoped to establish the government in Baghdad and the Arab Sovereign by the end of the financial year.

"The Arab army is already partly formed under the Minister of War in Mesopotamia, a devout supporter of Husein, the related costs included in the budget of Mesopotamia. There are also Arab recruits to be gradually absorbed by the army and Arabic, which are kept by Britain, and Syrian and Kurdish recruits. These forces replace British troops withdrawn, at the end of the year will be in Mesopotamia, as well as the local troops, some 12 infantry battalions and Indian English, enough to take Baghdad and river communications with the sea. Then there are the air forces: 6 squadriglie di aeroplani; l’anno prossimo se ne aggiungeranno altre due. Esse serviranno al contatto con le truppe dei centri locali per prevenire disordini, sostenere posti isolati, tenere i funzionari politici in relazione con i loro distretti, e mantenere l’ordine. Vi è una squadriglia aerea in Palestina e tre in Egitto. Sono in corso preparativi per stabilire partenze regolari di aeroplani fra il Cairo e Bagdad; una volta tracciata questa via transdesertica, le intere forze della Mesopotamia potranno venir trasportate in Palestina o in Egitto, e viceversa, riducendo cosi il totale delle squadriglie. Saranno organizzati anche servizi aerei postali, commercial and passenger, forming an important link in the chain of imperial communications that can shorten one day, with great advantage, communications with India, Australia and New Zealand. "

Churchill then speaks of the Kurdistan .

"Before leaving Baghdad, Sir Percy Cox informed the Turks that, pending the plebiscite set for them by Treaty of Sevres, he would continue to administer the district of Kurdistan. The Kurds do not like much welcome the opportunity to come under an Arab government, have been made then investigations throughout Kurdistan and we saw that the people of South Kurdistan would accept the union with Iraq only if they were governed directly by the High Commissioner and not by Arab governments. Cox thus fulfill a double function in relation to Iraq and Kurdistan, very nearly as the High Commissioner for South Africa with the Union, Rhodesia and the territories inhabited by indigenous people. "

"The region will of course be administered as a single trading zone. It is hoped that later achieved a degree of stability, there will be complete community, and hand hand that the Government will strengthen the Arab, we can reduce our effective below the threshold, finally leaving him the bulk if not the entire responsibility, possibly with the help of Kurdish recruits. The Kurdistan will have its own Kurdish troops, which will form a bulwark against Bolshevik infiltration and Kemal. Following the establishment of the Arab governments, we are prepared to substantiate his sovereign with a treaty which recognizes the independence more directly, thus reducing our costs more. "

'On 7 or 8 million pounds of the budget planned for Mesopotamian next year, about 1,252,000 Lst. will be allocated to aviation, the rest for military spending and subsidies. I can not guarantee that my program will give all the desired results, I say simply that it represents what we have been able to establish better and that it has gained support among the general authorities, military and civilian aircraft, who have participated '.

"The problem of Palestine is more acute than that of Mesopotamia, but much less militarily, for the different geographical positions of the two countries. The discontent in Palestine is due to the Zionist movement and agl'impegni English to it. Without such circumstances, the English garrison potrebb'essere greatly reduced. Late last year it was increased from 16,000 to 7, 000, with 5,000 fighters who I am today. This number far from diminishing in the near future may have to be increased. The total expenditure last year was 6,500,000 of Lst. This year will be 4,500,000, of which 2,000,000 for demobilization and repatriation of Indian troops who have now cleared the country. As for our position regarding Jews and Palestinian Arabs, there is Balfour Declaration, adopted by the Supreme Allied to S. Remo and introduced into the draft terms of reference which will be presented shortly to League of Nations. "

BANBURY : "The League will be represented in Palestine and Mesopotamia?"

CHURCHILL: "No. Things are complicated enough as it is! The warrants are exercised under the Statute of the League. The promise made to the national headquarters of the Jews have this difficulty, it does not agree with our policy to consult regularly on their desires of the people countries subject to mandates and grant them only representative institutions are prepared to use it. In Palestine, these institutions would undoubtedly worked to prohibit any further Jewish immigration. There are many difficulties, but I think with patience, calm and a little 'luck, get out of it. There are 500,000 Muslims in Palestine, about 65,000 Jews and 65,000 Christians. According to the Zionist program of immigration were introduced about 7,000 Jews. And the Arabs are worried and excited, not so much the number of immigrants from the repeated and enthusiastic statements made - rightly - by the organization Zionist in the world around their hopes of making Palestine a Jewish country mostly populated by Jews around the world. The Arabs also fear that they are Jews from Central Europe and especially in Russia, and believe that in the coming years we will reach the scores of thousands who will take over the earth and become the absolute masters of the country. Such fears are unfounded. The Zionists, to obtain the necessary support, shall conduct an ardent propaganda and say their program with the utmost conviction, and this has worried the Arabs, not the proportions present and future immigration. We in Palestine Sir Herbert Samuel, experienced politician and liberal Zionist conviction. The Arabs have nothing to fear, because immigration is strictly controlled the number and quality and is proportionate to the resources of the country that today is undoubtedly too sparsely populated. I challenge anyone who has seen the Jewish settlements in Palestine to advise the government to abandon the attacks of fanatics, and to prohibit immigration after engagements taken, this would be tantamount to the recognition that the word no longer matters in the East of England. If they are granted representative institutions to the Arabs of Palestine, I hope, will be taken to safeguard, within reason, the immigration of Jews, since they suffice to themselves and create their own means of subsistence. " Here Churhill explains how the capital of the Jews and the activity will increase the wealth and population of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants.

then speaks of Transjordan (see above No fourth), which is one of the most precious parts of Palestine. "In this region we do not keep troops in the last two years and the disorder There has been continuous. You must give a stable government, not only for us but also for the French, as the area north of Syria is contiguous to the northern boundary of Transjordan. We are opposed to assume the expenses of maintaining two or three battalions and the risk of seeing them isolated and surrounded by Bedouin uprisings. We therefore appeal to the good offices of the Emir Abdallah , and we conferred at length with him: he has pledged to maintain internal order, the air squadron of Lydda and some armored cars are at its disposal. "

"Our general policy collaborazione con la famiglia sceriffìana non è in nessun modo contraria agli interessi francesi, anzi è il mezzo più sicuro per garantire la Francia da torbidi in Siria, da parte di influenze arabe con le quali essa è disgraziatamente in disaccordo. Esiste purtroppo uno stato latente di recriminazione fra funzionari inglesi e francesi nel Medio Oriente che però non si estende agli uomini responsabili da ambo le parti e che, sono convinto, verrà soppresso dalle autorità superiori dei due paesi 0vunque si manifesti».

«Se vogliamo conservare la nostra posizione e far frome alle nostre responsabilità nel Medio Oriente, England and France will follow along with a policy of peace and friendship with both the Turks with the Arabs. All these efforts are in vain unless they are backed by a peaceful and lasting solution of the Turkish question, and it can not be reached if France and England flaunt absolute helplessness. We must have the means to defend our vital interests, and we must show to have them and show their capacity in case of need, valercene. If we show ourselves powerless or unable to defend ourselves, we do not get that lasting peace with Turkey for months is our primary goal. Only on the basis of this peace will be realized the hopes of significantly reducing those burdens which Britain and France to bear as a result of their commitments in the Middle East. "

V. d. B.

(1) Faisal in Baghdad. - According to the Reuter Agency Emir Faisal arrived in Basra on 24 and on to Baghdad, where he will meet the Mesopotamian National Assembly, convened to elect a king. ( Daily Herald, 25 - 6 - 1921). Y. d. B.

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Other periodicals 1921. - Navigation: Index of Sources and Directories : History - Analytical . - Forum: " Forum" Civium Libertas . - Societas " Civium Libertas."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Acrostic Poems Of Francisco Pizarro

Renovated apartments in the country

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Infants With Aspergers

countries of the world: 175. Trinidad and Tobago

Vers 1.1/5.3.11
• Boundaries: Islands of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Venezuela.
• The territory has an area of \u200b\u200b5,128 square kilometers and a population of 1,262,366 registered inhabitants in 2000 and 1,338,600 in 2009 with an estimated density 261 inhabitants / sq km. The capital Port of Spain has a population of 54,000 inhabitants in 2007 to become the urban agglomeration with 264,000 in 2004.
• Trinidad, which is the largest island of the archipelago, is mostly flat and covered with forests. More range is the small island of Tobago. The climate is tiposubequatoriale.
• Member of: Commonwealth, CSM, OAS, UN and WTO.
- Central Statistical Office.
- Internet users: 362.3 per 1000 inhabitants, of which DSL: 78.4 in 2009.

174: Tonga ↔ 176: Tunisia
to b c and d f g h the k l m or n p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. Main parameters . - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. Population . - 5. Justice . - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters. - It is a republic with President George Maxwell Richards on 17 March 2003 and Kamla Persad-Bissera prime minister since May 26, 2010. The President of the Republic is elected by parliament for a term of five years.

2. Historical notes . - Already a British colony and part of the West Indies Federation, the country is independent since 1962. On August 1, 1976 was proclaimed a Republic. Since 1995 there is an alternation of ruling parties, according to the democratic model that is considered that, according to the usual cliches che nel regime partitico e nella loro mera alternanza fanno consistere la democrazia, che come l’araba fenice ognuno dice che ci sia ma nessuna sa dove sia. Tutti questi paesi, distrutti dal colonialismo britannico, nella loro evoluzione originale, sono ora condannati a scimmiottare le forme politiche anglosassoni o continentali europei. Ed a seconda che ci scimmiottino bene o male sono detti da noi più o meno democratici

3 . Economia . – Le principali colture commerciali sono il cacao e la canna da zucchero. Le colture di sussistenza si limitano a mais e riso. Il settore di maggior rilievo è quello degli idrocarburi. Buone le riserve di gas naturale e notevole il deposito di bitume natural. The industry includes petrochemical plants, chemical factories, cement factories, breweries, cigarettes and rum. Typical is the liquor of Angostura, made from the bark of Galipea officinalis. are also relevant tourism activities, focusing in particular on the island of Tobago. Most visitors arrive from the USA.

4. Population . - Ethnic groups are composed of 39.2% for blacks, Indians 38.2%, 16.3% for mestizos, Chinese for 1, 6%, white plus 1%, other 3, 3%. The Catholic religion is represented by the 29.4% from 23.8% for Hindus, by Protestants to 18.8% from 10.9% for the Anglicans, Muslims for 5.8%, other 11.3%.

5. Justice. - Is the death penalty in force.

6. Defense. - Data not available.

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Slipcovers For Older Sectionals

countries of the world: 174. Tonga

synoptic "Geopolitics "
Home the "question of Zionist
• Boundaries: South Pacific Ocean archipelago consisting of 150 islands, islets.
• The territory has an area of 748 sq km and a population of 101,991 registered inhabitants in 2006 and estimated 104,000 in 2009 with a density of 193 inhabitants / sq km. The capital Nuku'alofa has a population of 25,000 inhabitants in 2007 to become the urban area with 34,311 in 2006. •
whole archipelago is made up of volcanic islands and islets and reefs, which have a tropical climate.
• Member of: Commonwealth, UN and PC, associated with the EU.
- Internet users: 80.8 per 1000 inhabitants, of which 9.6 DSL in 2009.

Vers 1.0/17.2.11
173: Togo ↔ 175: Trinidad and Tobago
to b c d and f g h the k l m n or p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. Main parameters . - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. Population . - 5. Justice. - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters. - It is a constitutional monarchy with King George Tupou V from 11 November 2006. His prime minister is Felet Sevele 11 February 2006. Executive power is exercised by the sovereign. "The democratic opening that began in 2006, was to bring in 2010 to reduce the powers of the king and the formation of a parliament elected by universal suffrage."

2. Historical notes . - Already a British protectorate, the Tonga (Islands of Friends =), are independent 4 June 1970.

3. Economics. - The main subsistence crops are sweet potato and cassava, coconuts, bananas and spices are exported. They are important remittances, tourism activities, the sale of fishing rights and financial assets offshore, but are limited by rules against money laundering. A source of revenue is derived from foreign aid, which totaled 26 billion U.S. dollars in 2008, reaching up to 10.1% of GDP. The merchant marine consisted of 52 vessels in 2007.

4. Population . - The Tongans are il 96,6% della popolazione dell’Arcipelago, gli europei sono lo 0,6%, i figiani lo 0,2%, gli altri il 2,6%. I protestanti sono il 64,9%, i cattolici il 15,6%, altri il 19,5%. Si parla l’inglese e il tongano.

5 . Giustizia . – Dati non disponibili.

6 . Difesa . – Dati non disponibili.

Torna al Sommario .

Pulmonary Embolism. More Condition_symptoms

countries of the world: 173. Togo

Sinottica di « Geopolitica »
Home della «Questione sionista»
• Confini: a N con il Burkina Faso A is on the Benin, Ghana to W with S and overlooks the Gulf of Guinea.
• The territory has an area of \u200b\u200b56,000 and a population of 6,618,600 registered inhabitants in 1981 and 22,894,300 in 2009 with an estimated density of 117 inhabitants / sq km. The capital Lome has 963,000 people in 2006 to become the urban area with 1,593,000 in 2009.
• The area, consisting of a narrow strip that stretches for about 600 km, consists of a flat coastal strip and an inner region that rises up to 1000 m. The climate is rainy and humid in S, while there are frequent periods of drought al N.
• Membro di: CEDEAO, OCI, ONU, UA e WTO, associato UE .
- Direction générale de la statistique .
- Utenti internet: 53,8 ogni 1000 abitanti, di cui 0,4 DSL nel 2009.

Vers. 1.0/17.2.11
Precedente / Successivo
172: Timor Orientale ↔ 174: Tonga
a b c d e f g h i k l m N or p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. main parameters. - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. population. - 5. Justice. - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters . - It's a republic. The President F. Gnassingbe won the presidential elections of 2010 with a result is not recognized by the other candidates who have reported fraud. The new government took office May 28, 2010, also includes members of the opposition. According to the constitution of November 27, 1992 ol president is elected by direct suffrage for a term of five years, holds executive power and appoints the prime minister.

2. Historical notes . - Belonging German, Togo was divided into two parts and then sent to the first subject to the Trustee of France and the United Kingdom. The present Togo, independent of the April 27, 1960, is the former French terrotorio, while the UK has been annexed to Ghana. General Gnassingbe Eyadema has come to be with a coup 13 January 1967, but then had to come to terms in 1991. With the support of the army of the presidential elections of 1993 saw him re-elected president in 1998 and 2003. After his death on February 5, 2005, the military has appointed successor to his son, who was elected in 2005 and reelected in 2010.

3. Economics. - Agriculture covers much of the local food needs and allows discrete exports. The main cash crops are cotton, cocoa, coffee, palm and coconut oleifera, peanuts and fruit. The Togo is among the world's leading manufacturers and exporters phosphates. We also extract iron, manganese and chromite.

4. Population . - Ethnic groups are those of Kabri (24%), Ewe (22%), Gourma (14%), Uaci (10%), Tem (6%). The religion is animist / traditional beliefs 33%, followed by Catholics (27.8%), Muslim (13.7%).

5. Justice. - The death penalty is formally in force.

6. Defense. - The army has mainly an internal construction and maintenance of power.

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Non-confidentiality Agreement

countries of the world: 172. East Timor

Sinottica di « Geopolitica »
Home della «Questione sionista»
• Confini: Occupa la parte orientale dell’isola di Timor, più l’exclave di Ocusse Ambeno e inoltre l’isola di Arturo e l’isolotto di Jako.
• Il territorio ha una superficie di kmq 14.919 e una popolazione di 924.642 abitanti censiti nel 2004 e di 1.133.600 stimati nel 2009 con una densità di 76 ab./kmq. La capitale Dili conta 159.000 abitanti nel 2007.
• Il territorio è prevalentemente montuoso.
• Membro di: ONU.

Vers. 1.0/17.2.11
171: Thailandia ↔ 173: Togo
a b c d e f g h i k l m n or p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. Main parameters . - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. Population . - 5. Justice. - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters. - It's a republic. Its President José Ramos-Horta, who was elected May 9, 2007. Prime Minister 8 August 2007, Xanana Gusmão. The President functions largely formal. The Prime Minister replied to the Parliament.

2. Historical notes . - Portuguese colony in the seventeenth century, November 28, 1975 is proclaimed independent by the Revolutionary Front for Independence (Fretilin), but was later occupied by the Indonesian military. The independence of Indonesia was proclaimed May 20, 2002 after years of guerrilla war and the intervention of a UN multinational force, in 1999.

3. Economics. - The economic structure is weakened by the war by £ and political instability. The more widespread the activity is subsistence agriculture, low export of coffee. Substantial offshore deposits of oil, the proceeds of which converge in an investment fund. One obstacle to growth is the lack of infrastructure.

4. Population . - We speak Portuguese and Tetum, which are official languages, Bahasa and English. For 98% of the population is Catholic, 1% are Muslims, Protestants 1%.

5. Justice. - The civil war and rebellion is endemic.

6. Defense. - In 2008 a bloody insurrection of some departments of the armed forces ended with the surrender of the rebels.

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Baixarpokemon Soul Silverds

countries of the world: 169. Taiwan

synoptic "Geopolitics "
Home the "question of Zionist
• Boundaries: The island located between the South China Sea and South China Sea, separated from China by the Taiwan Strait.
• The territory has an area of \u200b\u200b36,191 and a population of 22,167,159 inhabitants registered in 2000 and 23,119,772 in 2009 with an estimated density of 639 inhabitants / sq km. The capital Taipei has 2,607,428 inhabitants in 2009 to become the urban area with 6,776,264 in 2009. •
is crossed longitudinally by a series of mountains. The climate is warm and humid with monsoon rains set.
• Member of: APEC and WTO.
- National Statistics of Taiwan.
- Internet users: 698.3 per 1000 inhabitants, of which 216.4 DSL in 2009.

Vers 1.0/17.2.11
168: Tajikistan ↔ 170: Tanzania
to b c d and f g h the k l m n or p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. main parameters. - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. population. - 5. Justice. - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters. - It is a republic with President Ma Ying-jeou elected May 22, 2008 and Wu Den-Yih elected Prime Minister 10 November 2009. The constitution is the Chinese of 1 January 1947, last amended in 2005. The President, elected by direct suffrage for a term of 4 years and re-elected only once, appoints the head of government. Until 2005, a National Assembly was active jurisdiction in constitutional matters: with elemdamenti of 7 June 2005 the Assembly was in fact dissolved, placing any future constitutional amendment to the instrument of the referendum.

2. Historical notes . - The Republic of China National creataq was in 1949 by General Chiang Kai-shek, fixed on Taiwan with the remnants of the Kuo-Min Tang. In the same year he was proclaimed the People's Republic of China. Were abolished in 1991 provisions that prohibited any contact of the Republic of Taiwan with the Nationalist Republic of China in Beijing and in 2001 were readmitted trade and direct investment between the two countries. Have also been liberalized visits of Chinese citizens in Taiwan. Continues its cautious approach to China. In January 2010 came into force of treaties on significant issues that open up the economy of Taiwan to the Chinese capital.

3. Economics. - Most rice is grown in air. Spread the sweet potato, corn, soy. The farm covers mainly ducks and pigs. Fishing is practiced by modern means and a feeding large exports. The main mineral resource is the Carbons. Modest production of hydrocarbons. Extracting gold, silver, sulfur, marble, asbestos, talc, dolomite, salt. The electricity demand is met mainly by coal and gas plants and six nuclear reactors. The industry has oil refineries, steel plants and mettallurgici, chemical plants, cement, rubber industries, pulp and paper. The automotive industry is specialized in the assembly of imported components. Expanding the electronic industry, information technology and telecommunications.

4. Population . - The Taiwanese are 84% of the population, Chinese 14% and 2% Aboriginal. We speak Chinese. 22.8% are Buddhists, Taoists the 18m1%, 2% Protestants, Catholics for 1, 4%, 0.7% Confucians, Muslims 0.2%, the shrines of 0 , 1%, the Bahais, or 1%, the non-religious or atheist 47.7%, other religions 6.9%.

5. Justice. - Is acceptable subject to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. The death penalty is in force.

6. Defense. - Taiwan's military spending represented 2.8% of GDP in 2008. Also in this year il personale militare conta 290.000 addetti, distribuiti per il 69% nell’esercito, il 15,5% nella marina e il 15,5% nell’aviazione. Taiwan ha sempre avuto rapporti militari con gli USA, da cui sostanzialmente dipende.

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countries of the world: 165. Sweden

synoptic "Geopolitics "
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• Boundaries: N and W with Norway, with a NE Finland and is bathed by the Gulf of Bothnia to E, from the Baltic to the Kattegat SE and SW.
• The territory has an area of \u200b\u200b450,295 and a population of 8,872,110 registered inhabitants in 2000 and 9,349,059 in 2010 with an estimated density of 21 inhabitants / sq. km. The capital Stockholm = Stockholm has 829,417 inhabitants in 2009 to become the urban area with 1,981,263 in 2009.
• Sweden occupies the eastern side of the Scandinavian Peninsula and has elongated from N to S. The south-western coasts are characterized by deep inlets, called fjords. The mountain range that runs along the Norwegian border dying down from N to S and has often of the highlands, partly covered by chiacciai and lakes. In the eastern section of the survey is lowered in a series of terraces sloping down towards the sea. The lakes covering 8% raggruppamo surface and the center and south. The main rivers are the lathe, the Lule, Ume the, all tributaries of the Baltic Sea. The climate is generally characterized by low temperatures, with considerable variations between the north and south of the country.
• Member of: Council of Europe, the Nordic Council, EBRD, OECD, UN, OSCE, EU and WTO.
- Statistics Sweden.
- Internet users: 313.6 per 1000 inhabitants in 2009, of which 16.5 DSL.

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164: Suriname ↔ 166: Switzerland
to b c d and f g h the k l m n or p r s t u v y z
Contents: 1. main parameters. - 2. Historical notes . - 3. Economics. - 4. Population . - 5. Justice. - 6. Defense. -

1. Main parameters . - It is a constitutional monarchy. Sovereign King Karl XVI Gustav is from September 15, 1973. Prime Minister Reinfeldt is Friedrik from October 5, 2006. According to the constitution of 1975, the Parliament exercises the legislative function and is composed of 349 members elected for four years by universal suffrage. The electoral law is based on proportional representation with a barrage of 4% of the vote. The Government is accountable to the Riksdag.

2. Historical notes . - Sweden is a kingdom independent of the thirteenth century. On 10 November 2003, the country has chosen not to join the euro referendum.

3. Economics. - Agriculture is practiced on only a small part of the territory, has a very high productivity, thanks to widespread use of advanced technologies. Good crops are cereals (barley, wheat, oats, rye), however, insufficient to cover the national demand. It is remarkable potato cultivation. Among the industrial crops, sugar beet prevails.

4. Population . -

5. Justice. - The judicial system is based on the European mainland, with elements of customary law. The highest courts are the Court suprema di Stoccolma e le sei Corti di appello di Stoccolma, Jönköping, Malmö, Göteborg, Sundsvall e Umea.

6 . Difesa . – La Svezia sostiene una politica di neutralità attiva ed al tempo stesso mantenendo un efficiente apparato militare. Il personale militare conta 16.900 addetti e 262.000 riservisti nel 2008, distribuiti per il 60,4% nell’esercito, il 18,3% nella marina, il 21,3% nell’aviazione.

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countries of the world: 160. Sri Lanka

Sinottica di « Geopolitica »
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• Borders:
• The territory has an area of \u200b\u200b799,380 and a population of 20,252,223 inhabitants registered in 2007 and 22,894,300 estimated in 2009 at a density of 29 inhabitants / sq. km. The capital Maputo has a population of 1,094,628 inhabitants in 2007 to become the urban area with 1,774,524 in 2007.

• • Member of:.
- Instituto Nacional de Estatística .
- Internet users: 26.8 per 1000 inhabitants.

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