Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How To Dump Scorpio Man


Wave Google is "a personal instrument of communication and collaboration," Google announced conference Google I / O May 27, 2009. This is a web application , a platform and a communication protocol designed to bring together email, instant messaging , wiki and social networking. It is strongly oriented to cooperation and real-time, supported by extensions that can provide, for example, a solid spelling and grammar checking, machine translation between 40 different languages, and several other extensions. Initially released only to developers, a "preview" Google Wave was open to 600,000 users from September 30, 2009, with a base of 100,000 users each asked to invite other eight.
The name was inspired by the television series Firefly dove il nome Wave indica una comunicazione elettronica (spesso riferita a una chiamata o a un messaggio video). Durante la fase di sviluppo sono stati, infatti, numerosi i riferimenti a questa serie.


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