Thursday, December 24, 2009

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Se questa è arte, certo non è araldica!

Last Nov. 25 was officially presented the gift to the Friends of Ceramics made to the Province of Pesaro Pesaro and Urbino.
This is a big ceramic bas-relief representing the province's coat of arms contained in the crown of an artistic objects.
Here's how it was presented by the official announcement of the Province:

PESARO. You start with a special gift to the Province of the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the Friends of the ceramics of Pesaro. The partnership, led by new president Claudio Gardens, art historian and scholar of local memories, the Administration will provide a relief of Viale Gramsci majolica that plays in a modern and "custom" Rovere coat of arms of the institution.
The work was carried out artist Anna Rosa Basile (...).
around the central nucleus, which faithfully reproduces the original coat of arms , develops a framework that evokes the distinctive arts and the natural elements of the lands of Pesaro Urbino. From a shell wrapped in waves leaving the music, theater, art ceramics represented by symbolic elements. (...)

bonaparte milena / office printing. "

What can I say? If this is art, certainly not heraldry. How could so blatantly wrong partition and glazes figures?

omit some minute details, but some glaring mistakes we can not overlook.
Quell'inquartato red and silver is not the original emblem of the Municipality of Pesaro, also do not understand how this can be done in the eagle emblem on a blue silver Este :-)))
L 'heraldry is not the arithmetic: changing the order of its parts the result changes, and how! So changed the order of the glazes on the banded eagle Urbino had to change livery not to disappear in a dark, black-blue.

I do not think that is enough to justify these errors clear in retrospect that the emblem was " revised and updated, as far as the peripheral part and the choice of different chromatic da quella tradizionale " (da "il Nuovo amico" del 06.12.2009, p. 21).
Questa affermazione dimostra una sostanziale ignoranza araldica: innanzi tutto lo stemma della Provincia è quello dato dall'unione degli stemmi comunali di Pesaro e di Urbino, mentre la cornice è un mero elemento decorativo lasciato, questo sì, al libero arbitrio dell'artista di turno; in secondo luogo gli smalti di uno stemma non sono folclore ma elementi costitutivi dello stemma stesso e non possono essere mutati alla bisogna.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Ritornando al concetto gruppo e consorzi per vincere la crisi...

Emozioni Italiane

Si chiama “Emozioni Italiane”, e debutta a Rimini, il consorzio appena costituito da agenzie di viaggi e tour operator dell’incoming: «Siamo one for the region - says the president Armando Mariotti - decided to return to Italy its product leadership in the global market by developing the enormous untapped potential of the country. First efforts to overcome the pulverization of the offer. " Among the commitments of "Emotions Italian" Mariotta fact indicates the launch of cross deals involving more than one territory, to overcome in terms of promotional and marketing the dispersion of resources, and "the effects of self-destructive characteristic of national costumes." At the summit of "Emotion Italian" with Mariotti, there are the vice presidents Robert Cividin, vice president Fiavet national, and Mario Bevacqua, vice president of UFTAA / Fuaav, the body which brings together all the associations of travel agents worldwide. The managing director is Mario Demart: "Our members - he explains - are all very knowledgeable about their territory. Their product can meet all the interests of customers around the world, even in the widest range of thematic options, primarily on the areas of environmental, historical and cultural heritage.

read more about:

Friday, August 14, 2009

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18 km from Lucca, half an hour from the sea, and from Pisa, Borgo Giusto: in a village green of the chestnut trees of the seventeenth century with the formula hotel diffuso.I streets, the square where the threshed grain, stone houses, furnished with antiques, and with a high degree of comfort (between heating wi-fi ADSL, modern bathrooms, many with Jacuzzi), presents all the harmony of history.

Borgo Giusto offers suites, villas and independent of age, in addition to the restaurant, large swimming pool with Jacuzzi, tennis court, horses, walking and bike, the services "wellness "customized massage poolside or in the quiet of home.
whole becomes a village farm.

Borgo Giusto (named after the family of the Righteous who settled there first), and reconstruction of old stone upon Soccolognora.

Borgo Giusto is a real place, out of time, where the words take on weight and communication becomes more facile.Al center of all the guest as someone special and unique: her dreams, her needs and preferences. We want everyone with wonderful memories of staying with us.

continues on:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sitting Pinning Stories

I miei stemmi al Museo del Castello dei Conti Oliva

Due anni fa venivano collocati nella sala dell'araldica del Museo del Castello dei conti Oliva , a Piandimeleto (PU), Fifteen new badges made by the company House Skin of Siena on the basis of my sketches.
Here is a selection of coats of arms and related drawings on display.
is the order of coats of arms of the following families:
Bandi, Count of Monte in Montefeltro, originating in the countryside with branches in Rimini Pesaro and Urbino, Montefeltro lords of different places; Del Monte Della Rovere, branch of the Marchesi Bourbon del Monte Santa Maria, which was from the estate of Della Rovere dukes Mombaroccio (castle of Pesaro) before the title of count and then with the marquis; Vico Roman family, whose members were lords of Vico and other places in the Lazio and, often, that of Prefect of Rome; Gonzaga Novellara branch of the Gonzaga family originated in the fourteenth century, before the Lord and then accounts Novellara; Paciotti, patrician family of Urbino, invested by the Della Rovere dukes of Urbino Castle Montefabbri with the title of the accounts.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

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Osservazioni araldiche e storiche sugli stemmi dei Montefeltro a palazzo Bonaventura

In "Raphael Academy. Acts and studies," No 1, 2009, pp. 63-84.
E' stato ora pubblicato sulla rivista dell'Accademia Raffaello di Urbino, l'articolo redatto nel 2005 in occasione del restauro dei due stemmi che sovrastano il portale gotico di palazzo Bonaventura a Urbino, dai primi decenni del XIX secolo sede dell'Ateneo urbinate e già residenza di un ramo della casa comitale di Urbino: i Montefeltro.
Si tratta di un'ulteriore anticipazione del più ampio lavoro di ricerca che ho condotto sull'araldica di questa famiglia, un tempo svolta nella prospettiva di realizzare un'opera monografica, ma ora destinata a essere pubblicata sotto forma di diversi articoli, si vedano quelli già pubblicati: "l'Ordine napoletano dell'ermellino e l'iconografia d Federico da Montefeltro" e "Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino was never standard-bearer of Sancta Romana Ecclesia? ".

The article is now published by the Raphael, in particular, clarifies the correct reading definido heraldic coat of arms under investigation by identifying the exact title and looked forward hypotheses about the timing of their location to its current location. All along the process of the following paragraphs:
2-L 'band of heraldry and the weapon Montefeltro.
Two identical 3-arms, two different arms.
4-Description of coats of arms.
4.1-The emblem above.
4.2 -Lo stemma inferiore.
5 -Considerazioni storiche sulla loro attribuzione.
6 -Denuncia delle consolidate attribuzioni sulla base dell'osservazione araldica.
7 -Attribuzione della titolarità degli stemmi.
8 -Considerazioni sulla realizzazione degli stemmi di Antonio di Nicolò e di Guidantonio da Montefeltro.
9 -Gli stemmi a colori.

Il Fato, crudele, ha voluto che l'indicazione di questo articolo non compaia nel sommario a p. 3.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Has Anyone Experienced Blood In Stool

The third survey on-line

gaze in the dark - Introduction of the author
"The story is dedicated to a particular person, a man who became blind for a story medical malpractice. The man, using a special machine for the blind, read my first mystery novel and a few months ago I phoned to tell me that those pages had seen his country. At that time I told the story related to its new status as a blind person. The words of the man I was impressed in the minds and some of those phrases have been included in this story as a reflection on the subject. I thank the editor Antonio Lalli, Lalli Editore publishing house, which has enabled this initiative and the free promotion of the character. I renew my thanks to director David Rossi and Luciano Livi director of the news "thread Diretto 7 – periodico settimanale di informazione e di attualità del Gruppo Montepaschi” che hanno sempre dato spazio alle notizie del commissario Cantagallo e che in questa occasione hanno pubblicato on-line il racconto. La storia è ambientata nei luoghi abituali del commissario Cantagallo e i personaggi sono più o meno gli stessi del primo romanzo. Il racconto si inserisce nella serie dei due romanzi gialli già pubblicati: Dentro un vicolo cieco (Lalli - 2007) e Omicidio sotto il sole (Lalli - 2008) che sono presenti nella collana “Narrativa libri - Biblioteca del Giallo” della stessa casa editrice . Infine, questo è il terzo racconto inedito pubblicato su internet: “Il filo di Arianna” ( - 2008) , ‘Il barone di Occhiolà’ ( - 2009) . La storia è un omaggio in tutti i sensi a Filo Diretto 7 e ai lettori del commissario Cantagallo perché il testo è completamente gratuito - free, come si dice oggi per fare capire a tutti che una cosa è di libero utilizzo senza niente da pagare - e tutti possono leggerlo comodamente e tranquillamente senza spendere un euro. Buona lettura a tutti”.
Fabio Marazzoli
The story can be read free at Direct Line, the weekly online magazine of the MPS Group,
from Thursday, June 18, 2009.
The story in brief
The dark night of Collitondi turns red for the blood spilled on the pavement by a poor blind man brutally murdered in a dark alley in the country. Murder committed by a few thugs or a tragic coincidence for a man who had to be in that place at that time? These and other questions must be answered Commissioner Cantagallo. The Quaestor Zondadari, however, do not pose questions and wants to close the case. For the Questor has been a tragic fatality: a clash between rival gangs of local Chinese underworld, where the blind man went to slip by accident. Cantagallo replication and does not accept the version of the facts of his head that he is not even standing with the wires. The Quaestor shake before the eyes of the Commissioner of the bogeyman 'Furies yellow' and waving in front of those Cantagallo Zondadari that of a lean figure immortalized investigation of the printed newspapers. Commissioner convinces the Police, and began his painstaking search for clues and traces of the perpetrator of the murder. At first everything seems too plausible and too simple to be true. Cantagallo is not convinced and wants to see clearly because the survey still has some unclear points. Then, suddenly, the darkness that surrounds this case is torn open by a light illuminates the right way of Cantagallo and showing the way forward to understand what happened. The road is winding and to do all the twists and turns are analyzed in the work room of the police which is a real laboratory investigations. Analyzing the traces is the daily bread of Cantagallo which will also have time to make a quick trip to a Chinese restaurant, but not for eating. So this story really got to do the Chinese? Maybe yes and maybe no. Definitely the talk of the commissioner with a certain Mr. Miao is a rift in the darkness of the survey. At the end there is a shot in the auction scene and the offender falls trap built by the Commissioner. Cantagallo makes a tormented stop and catch the murderer with a crime that he wanted to change their destiny. Perhaps the murderess was better known oriental languages, where an old Chinese saying: "It is easier to pervert the course of a river or flatten a mountain than to change the mind of a man."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

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L'Ordine napoletano dell'Ermellino e Federico da Montefeltro

A. Conti
In "Nobility. Journal of heraldry, genealogy, Orders of Chivalry ", March-April 2009, n. 89.

In the late summer of 1474, shortly before being elevated to the ducal Count Federico da Montefeltro (1422-1482) was the aggregation of the ermine founded in 1465 by King Ferdinand of Aragon in Naples. There are many representations of the sign of this Order in the decorations of the Ducal Palace in Urbino, but one in particular caught the attention of many scholars. What is the actual reading of the portrait of Federico da Montefeltro with the collar of the Order in the beautiful series of inlaid panels of the closet of the Ducal Palace in Urbino?
far the interpretations have focused on the dual character of the Duke of Urbino, humanist and warrior, but this is the real message from this portrait? This article explores a different reading my identifying Federico a particular intention to express the core values \u200b\u200bof the constitution of the Order of chivalry Neapolitan ermine. In my reconstruction, the Montefeltro in that panel is represented with the dress of the knights ermine.
arriving at the definition of my situation I went through the events del'Ordine and those related to admission of Montefeltro, following the procedure of the following paragraphs:
- The cavalry and Montefeltro.
- The Order of Ermine.
- The aggregation of Count Federico da Montefeltro.
- The insignia of the Order in the iconography of Federico da Montefeltro.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

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who work in the world of the Web knows by now that there are often "mode" or "keywords" that they become almost "must" .
One of the terms in recent years has often been cited as an "answer to all problems of web marketing" is certainly the concept of "buzz marketing" . The English word is onomatopoeic and refers to the buzz buzzing of bees and the fact buzz marketing is the ability to reach as quickly as possible what is called swarm , that is a homogeneous group of users to an interest in a category of products / services. Buzz Marketing is the strategy of those who, consciously or unconsciously, free or paid, using the web through, for example, blogs, forums and social networks to talk and talk (or try to speak) of goods, companies, brands, services, etc. .

The techniques for doing this are manifold and evolving in line with the evolution of media in which they are proposed, Seeding, that is the seed of information / content is the main technique, ie, is the ' action that should lead to the buzz. There are other technical terms as more or less similar to the buzz marketing: online pr, word of mouth, viral marketing. They are virtually all non-conventional communication strategies, spesso l'una il risultato dell'altra.

Chi fa Buzz Marketing cerca di influenzare l'opinione dei potenziali acquirenti, sfruttando le logiche e i vantaggi del web oppure guidando o controllando le opinioni ed i pareri "naturali" che i normali consumatori hanno di un determinato prodotto/servizio.

Le aziende stanno incominciando a capire le potenzialità di questo tipo di marketing per cui la comunicazione diventa non più monodirezionale ma relazionale.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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Riviera Maya, Caraibi Messicani, Sole e Tequila. Ma anche Business e Imprese che parlano Italiano. Dedicato a chi looking for a beach to go it alone.

(thousands of our compatriots have already done).

Continue on

Sunday, February 8, 2009

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The first online survey in Sicily

Baron Occhiolà - Introduction of the author
"The story is a tribute to my grandfather in the early 19o0 he served as a policeman in Sicily in a station of a small town in the province of Catania. The memory of the episodes in which my grandfather was the star in that time has been passed down through the stories of my parents. I them evokes this first episode to conserve memory of persons have belonged my family because must keep alive remember our predecessors; whom showed us the way forward; whom taught us remember not to forget. thank the President of the Cultural Fodale Rosario - cultural association for the on-line disclosure in the world of history, art and traditions of the province of Messina - which enabled publish in internet the tale. Special thanks to ' friend, the poet Philip Messina Scolareci that allowed the character of the Commissioner of Cantagallo down in Sicily and that gave me some useful advice for writing the story. The story is part of the first series of unpublished short story 'Ariadne's Thread' on-line in 2008 on the website of and already published two novels, 'Inside a dead end '(Lalli - 2007) and' Murder in the sun '(Lalli - 2008) that are inserted in the series' fiction books - Library of Yellow' Lalli Editore publishing house . The story is a tribute to all directions because the text is completely free, 'free' as we say today to make everyone understand that something is free to use with no money to pay, and anyone can leggerselo comfortably without spending a euro. Happy reading. " Fabio

The story can be read free at
by Friday, January 30, 2009.

The story in brief

First survey Sicilian Commissioner Cantagallo and other events to unravel an intricate murder of a man killed by gunshot wounds. Cantagallo not tira mai indietro, soprattutto se lo coinvolge il suo amico maresciallo Saro Bompensiere, paesano della moglie del commissario e comandante della Stazione dei Carabinieri del paese di San Rocco Etneo. Cantagallo si trova in ferie con la famiglia a Capobianco, paese nativo della moglie, dove abitualmente torna ogni anno per passare le ferie di fine estate. Il maresciallo incontra per caso Cantagallo mentre è in visita ai mosaici della Villa del Casale a Piazza Armerina. Bompensiere chiede al commissario di dargli una mano perché è alle prese con il delitto “fituso” di un uomo trovato morto ammazzato dentro un’auto vicino ad una stradina di campagna nei pressi del paese di Grammichele. Il maresciallo Bompensiere sta indagando da parecchi giorni, but can not deal with them. All facts push investigations into the storage of office for a crime, like many others, committed by persons unknown. Bompensiere is there and wants to see clearly. Within a few days, the marshal shall provide a response to the Deputy Attorney Turiddu Marturana, with which the blood does not flow well. Marturana want to store the crime quickly because he is convinced that this is a common crime committed by thugs in the area. Commissioner Cantagallo analyzes the facts and there are few elements for the construction of its "mosaic criminal." Everything seems simple, but it is not. The discovery of a mysterious telegram in Sicilian dialect to reopen the investigation investigation and a new runway to the real murderess unexpected. All will be revealed at the last moment and murder will be unmasked by a clever ploy by Commissioner Cantagallo. They will not be an easy thing because Cantagallo knows very well that old proverb that says: "Who wants to turn, your butt should bathe in the sea."

's Note

"This mystery story is a story of pure fantasy. Names, characters, dates and places mentioned are pure inventions of the author and sacrosanct. Who has been recognized in certain descriptions of the story, know that the author did not do it on purpose. Some facts draw from reality in order to give greater accuracy to the narrative. In this story the commissioner Cantagallo is to spend the holidays in Sicily, land of birth of his wife. Cantagallo I usually go down to Sicily once a year to return to the country where she was born wife of the Commissioner. The people, when conversing in Sicilian, speak a dialect typical of the country of Nyssa 'Capobianco', where she was born Yolanda. In this short story I tried to play in private dialogues in Sicilian, without wanting to compete with other authors of the genre. So I wanted to pay homage to a piece of this magnificent region that honors Italy for its rich lands of values, traditions and history. For this, the beginning of the story, I focused on the mosaics of the Villa del Casale at Piazza Armerina: I could not do otherwise. I mosaics Villa del Casale were declared 'Heritage Unesco'. In my opinion, it is unthinkable that an Italian wants to visit a museum on top of the world just to see a picture famous foreigner, without having first seen the splendid mosaics of the Villa del Casale in Sicily. The details of the historical references Occhiolà Baron and his family were collected in a number of documents available on the Internet. I will not dwell further. The story finds its natural place in a small town invented called 'Capobianco,' the province of Caltanissetta, in the heart of Sicily. Names and trademarks mentioned in the story belong to their respective owners. Any analogy with places, facts, references and situations, names, surnames or nicknames of people, living or dead, is considered a 'twist of fate' and should only be attributed to chance. I conclude with a Sicilian proverb, which is so dear to me and would also like to Commissioner Cantagallo "Mistura, mitticcinni na visazza, the flaw com vua, always Cucuzza," or "If the material is poor, good food can not do miracles! ». Thank you for reading my story. Sabbenedica ".


In this first survey in Sicily Commissioner Cantagallo compares its argument with his friend and fellow investigative Bompensiere Rosario, a policeman in the small village of San Rocco Etna in the province of Catania. In the account of the explanations are also provided to help you understand certain situations arising in the first two novels published.
Cantagallo Commissioner does not make use of his team to discover the culprit, but better use of his wits to unravel the murder of a seemingly inexplicable.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

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Freecycle is a project of re-use of assets. As an alternative to landfills, where used items are stored or burned, Freecycle promotes the exchange or gift of all that can be reused and recycled through distribution centers throughout the mondo.Ideata by Deron Beal, an environmentalist of 'Arizona (USA), which in 2003 created a mailing list for old items, the organization è cresciuta fino a contare 51 paesi e coinvolgendo più di un milione e mezzo di persone attive in 2.800 gruppi.
Il Freecycle Network è aperto a chiunque, ed ha sedi in tutto il mondo.
La regola principale è: Everything posted must be free, legal, and appropriate for all ages ossia tutto deve essere gratuito, legale e adatto a tutte le età.

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La raccolta differenziata, in fondo, é un gioco a premi (anche perché in fondo é anche un lavoro che svolgiamo a vantaggio di molte aziende). Negli USA, per esempio, già da diversi anni é in funzione la banca del riciclo .
The system is simple in every cabinet and installed a microchip that can detect the separate collection. Each pound match points, which then turns into discount vouchers. "The awards encourage recycling materials, but the bank does because it makes visible a symbolic prize: it offers everyone the feeling of doing the right thing."
In 2009, the Bank will also recycle in Europe.

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data regarding our habits are coveted by so many: what kinds of programs we watch, what sites we surf, what kind of research we do .. . No information to say much about our tastes, our habits and allow whoever is in possession of packing products more tailored to our expectations.
Who controls the information, often holding the ball for advertising, we gain in economic terms as well as prestige. It is easy to understand why there are those who want to get out of this game and continue to use the Internet with confidence, without thinking that maybe someone will be studying and then sell them at the appropriate time, a product perhaps useless, but full of his appeal. The tools to protect us from the intrusiveness of the system of espionage fortunately there. They are real studies computer able to reject attempts to steal our preferences o di invalidare l enostre preferenze o di invalidare i dati"sporcandoli" con altri del tutto casuali.
Il motore di ricerca Scroogle ad esempio, ci permette di effettuare le nostre ricerche su google in perfetto anonimato.
Abbastanza simile é il comportamento di Privoxy un software rilasciato con licenza open source che va instalalto sul proprio computer e usato come un proxy. Ai meno esperti basti sapere che un proxy é un software, o spesso anche un computer, che si frappone fra il nostro browser e internet: se abbiamo un proxy impostato, quando digitiamo, ad esempio, , la richiesta non arriva direttamente al server di Google ma al Proxy, che la forward to the Google engine for us and then we "turn" in turn the result. The strength of Privoxy's filters are designed by some experts with the aim to better protect our privacy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Hillyitaly, Italy is one side of the hills of the Bel Paese, the more modest and less exposed, but most untouched and genuine. E 'Italy least known, where they still preserve unspoiled landscapes, breathtaking sunsets, sounds of the past (how much time you hear a rooster sing?). And 'the land of ancient traditions, where you can taste the bread with salt and olive oil, homemade sausages, sweets della nonna; è la terra dei mille vitigni e dei suoi vini prestigiosi. Questa Italia vi invitiamo a visitare, dalla Liguria alla Sicilia, passando per il Piemonte, il Veneto, la Toscana, l’Umbria, ed il Lazio proponendovi i nostri B&B , selezionati uno ad uno e raccolti in un circuito originale fatto con le nostre mani, il circuito dell’accoglienza, dei modi gentili e del buon umore. Chi è stanco troverà riposo, chi ha bisogno di ispirarsi troverà l’angolino giusto: le fate frequentano i nostri luoghi. Affidatevi alle attenzioni delle nostre famiglie, alle nostre competenze e alla conoscenza del territorio. Sapremo farvi stare bene, indicarvi i percorsi d’arte, quelli storici, naturalistici ed wine and food, the roads to be covered on foot, horseback and mountain biking, restaurants and trattorias where you can eat well, drink better and cheaply. Each B & B has a dimension of family - two or three rooms in the complex home - all are linked by bonds of friendship, sharing the values \u200b\u200bof hospitality, solidarity, love for nature, respect for the environment, housing of good traditions.

Monday, January 12, 2009

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Caserta is one of the few provinces with a strong tourism potential, has not yet a International Youth Hostel.
Yet it is not so difficult to understand that through the hostel is easier and faster to gather support and welcome tourists to increase the armature and in particular for stable residence in the city for tourists. The hostel will be able to meet all such needs of the tourists who intend to stay in Caserta, another tool to promote the benefit of the whole community. Most of the time hub of the hostel is meeting and promote socio-cultural among people everywhere.
The independent hostels have a kind of unique property, that is clearly distinguishable from hotels or guesthouses. The uniqueness lies in the fact that nearly all facilities are shared with other guests, the rooms are in fact often more beds, they are usually equipped with bunk beds, the other structures, such as showers, kitchen, lounge etc.. are equally shared. The big advantage is that, in this way, the prices remain low for each guest. The most important thing, however, is the ability to be formed between the guests and family friendly atmosphere, supportive and communicative. The "spirit of hostels is hard to describe, to understand it fully you must try it. The word does not describe a hostel site, describes an attitude, a philosophy, a crossing of people with different cultures, which together share the wonders, joy and sadness, adventure and travel experience.
People from all over the world and from all walks now, choose hostels. The atmosphere of the hostel is mainly dedicated to young guests, but stay for people of all ages, usually guests of the hostels are open, friendly and curious about new things, new experiences. Hostels are ideal places for those who decide to travel alone, many of these are the hostel as if it were a preferential way to meet fellow travelers and share their experience in the "journey".

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The condition of living spaces - for families or people living alone - who was born years ago in Northern Europe, is affecting groups and society in Italy. The opinion of the experts on this new way of living in rural or urban. The flat is independent, but some spaces are shared.
E 'Scandinavia in the '60s that the idea of \u200b\u200bthis interesting way of life that must be aggregated under the name of co-housing, a "neighborhood community" made up of people who have chosen to live in a residential complex in shared services. A successful experiment, at least judging by the fact that over time this model has spread in Northern Europe, United States, Japan and is now beginning to take hold in Italy. These are small residential centers built through a participatory planning, co-exist where the autonomy of private space, that is their home, and environments and services, such as cleaning, catering, health care, but also leisure and time free, gyms, gardens, gardens, small animal farms, shops and anything else that might raise the inhabitants of these structures from the problems of daily life as independent as possible from the big towns, from which, however, not be great distance. Co-housing means, therefore, live together and share. Not only activities and services, but also share the desire to escape the marginalization of the individual, the scourge of modern society, especially in large cities where millions of people run the same streets using the same public services, without knowing each other. People left alone, often isolated even from family and friends, overwhelmed by the effort and commitment. Co-residence means collecting the attention of others who have made the same choice, fleshing out a time working with others and for others, sharing resources and the desire to live in the same apartment complex. In short, find the pleasure of being together. Born as a housing solution
eg small families or single people or young people, co-residence, as it is outlined the experiences already in place, seems to be a good solution for people in later years, left alone or in pairs, which here would find the antidote to loneliness and anonymity of the city. In this case, shared services include that of carers spending at home or health care specialist, bike rides and trips on weekends. In the co-residence, you can choose between the rent as a share costs for common services, the use of the property can also be a fixed term; or purchase of individual housing portion and share common areas, beyond the payment of services.
In Italy are currently four companies belonging to the National Institute of Study and Promotion of co-housing (Ispco), and their names refer explicitly to their main purpose:, CoHabitando, cohabitation and Eco-living. Implicit in the name of that recall the instance label, which in this case as in that of CoHabitando is an essential element in the design of housing units, driven by environmental sustainability (the concept, however, generally embraced by those who approach the world of cohabitation, assuming that a respect for others "impose" the attention to the preservation of the world) and energy saving.
The key issue is the possibility of being able to have a life with free time and peace of mind enough to enjoy it: condition achieved through mutual cooperation, established according to the skills and availability of each (therefore involving a guarantee of the much coveted "security") and "pooling" of business management, social and recreational activities. Which means that just the famous areas, depending on the needs determined by a comparison between the group members, they can go from the laundry the day nursery, hobby room at the gym, a dining room with shared rooms for guests , from the orchard to the fleet. All this also implies significant cost savings generated by reducing waste, the use of external services and the cost of goods purchased collectively (the majority of "community" is in fact also buying groups, and in some cases can be bought in town as well as some services , such as a babysitter for children of different families).
The future inhabitants of the residence involved in the project and its daily management in accordance with principles egalitarian. In some communities, residents may decide to turn to hate cooking in the kitchen help. The meals are a key concept in common because they are a time for socializing.
The criteria for construction of the housing include recycling systems water or energy savings, as well as the use of alternative technologies. As the production of solar energy. In Denmark, the Netherlands and the United States have quickly realized that this way of life that seeks to combine need for autonomy and desire to live with others could be a good alternative for the elderly.