Friday, December 29, 2006

Card Game Of Frustration

Origins of the economy: theory and practice of human science

1. Wikipedia: Economia . Lo scambio ovvero il baratto è logicamente collocabile fra le prime manifestazioni dell’essere umano al pari del linguaggio, del sentimento religioso, del senso di socialità, delle prime forme d’arte. È difficile stabilire cosa viene prima o dopo, ma pare verosimile immaginare uno stadio in cui l’uomo incomincia a distinguersi dal restante regno animale. In una fase avanzata queste umili origin seems something to be ashamed that the worst offense they can get is the memory of human pride and kinship with the animal world. It is likely that it was Christianity to install this shame and this strong break between man and animal. In pre-Christian religions did not exist such a clear hostility towards animals and to nature. However, to remain in a field of economics seems likely to place the exchange between the original and distinctive facts of human civilization.


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