Se nel numero del 28 marzo scorso "il nuovo amico" dava conto dell'adozione del nuovo logo dell'Ateneo urbinate con un articolo di cronaca (stralci del comunicato stampa e delle dichiarazioni dei presentatori), finalmente, nel numero del 18 aprile, spunta un articolo di commento a firma Francesco Martinotti.
Si tratta di una nuova stroncatura, che muove da motivazioni di fondo diverse dalle mie, ma sempre di stroncatura si tratta.

I am delighted. After the "Resto del Carlino, who hosted my talk, another major newspaper in the territory moves request a reconsideration to the University.
Perhaps the newspaper could not curia may as the Pug, and the University will deign to respond to comments made and the collective disapproval, without hiding behind the thin Chancellor announced last January in which the objection was not intention to change the official emblem.
Martinotti However, the article is worth a couple of caveats:
1) The university was not established by Guidobaldo da Montefeltro in 1506 and confirmed by the pope the following year, those were the acts constituting the Board of dotor of Urbino, a court that only later contributed to the creation of the study and then 'universities.
2) From the knowledge of the original emblem united hagiographic elements in heraldic elements (see the seal of 1588) and in any case it is absolutely incorrect to say, as Martinotti, this nascque " in the late nineteenth century with the banner of ' University and under the influence of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception promulgated by Pius IX in 1854 . The documentary sources attest the presence of the Immaculate Conception, but from the sixteenth century, certainly since the seventeenth.
Among the supporters there were the historians of the Immaculate Conception Franciscan who played a secondary role in the development not of the University, not to mention that even the popes Sixtus IV and Julius II Della Rovere belonged to the order of Friars Minor, fervent Proponents of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
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