deserve a comment the statements of some deans of the faculties on the new logo of Urbino. As noted by Valentina
Bicchiarelli, author of the article below that the public, "no one expresses a chiaro apprezzamento della nuova immagine comunicativa”, e già questo vorrà dire qualcosa, credo.
Ah, dopo l’araldista (il sottoscritto) e il giornale della curia (Martinotti su “il nuovo amico”), ci mancava il preside di Giurisprudenza per completare il quadretto dell’Ancien Régime che si scatena contro la modernità!!! Scherzo.
Il Rozo Acuña parla di legame affettivo e della storia, fattori da tenere presente in un’immagine comunicativa, non necessariamente se rivolta agli “anziani”, ma anche ai giovani, per il significato (l’immagine, anche nel senso d’immaginario, di aspettativa oltre che di vissuto) che sottende e che cerca di trasmettere.
not convincing at all, in fact, Valli's claim for which no one could make a contest for reasons of urgency. Haste is a bad counselor, and this new logo confirms the old adage. Urbino at their university who was running after claiming a new logo, perhaps the Gelmini or some inspector from the ministry? None.
Like all university reforms of recent decades, done in a hurry, ministers who wanted to replace Casati and Gentile in Bignami, things, certain things should be done with proper deliberation. The time for a competition there would be all right.
As I wrote, and as mentioned Bicchiarelli, Urbino, there are three institutions that could put students in the field and teachers for a lively competition that would create such a discussion it was decided that instead of silence from the beginning.
The deans wig less than that of Law, appear possible: consider their personal opinion is irrelevant, like the hope that students and future students ... I do not think a good yardstick.
If the mark does not like it, how can we hope that others like it? Of course, no accounting for taste, the park is Italian teachers of the oldest on the planet ... but if a logo does not arouse emotion, no passion, indifferent or worse rise in hate all the principals interviewed, well maybe something in that logo should not be and should have the courage to say it.
As students express their appreciation? A poll? that of Carlino rejected the logo to 80% with the inclusion in or Ateneo? I hope that the criteria are different!
who does no wrong, right, everything can not please everyone, equally true. However, this logo seems
really have made a hole in the water.

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