The social network based primarily on the Web (Social Media) is a communication tool to share and discuss content between people. Compared to the mass media such as newspapers, television and film, social media is easily accessible by anyone (whether companies or organizations, individuals) want to publish or read information. The industrial instruments of communication are extremely costly. Require significant capital to publish economic information and achieve significant coverage. Those "social" rather they are much cheaper.
However, they have one thing in common. Comparing for example the Blog Space with a TV, with both you can reach millions of users as well as zero users. The only difference: the Blog Space allows you to accurately measure the return on investment, if there are business objectives. The Social Media Web
takes different forms like Internet forums, message boards, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, images and video, and use different technologies such as blogs, share images and audio files, videoblogs, wall-postings, email, chat, Crowdsourcing, Voice Over IP, etc..
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