Definition of Franchise, Franchise or franchise (in Italian words) most widely used in our country is that proposed by the Italian Association of Franchising:
"THE FRANCHISE (franchising) is a formulation of continuous collaboration for the DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS AND SERVICES BETWEEN A CONTRACTOR (franchisor or franchisor) and one or more contractors (FRANCHISEE or affiliates), legally and economically independent of each other, that enters into a special contract, through which the FRANCHISOR GRANTS TO THE FRANCHISEE 'THE FORMULA USED FOR COMMERCIAL Including the right to exploit the know-how and distinctive signs, together with other services and assistance to the franchisee in order to enable the management of its activities with the same image of the franchisor for the mutual benefit of the Contracting Parties and the final consumer, and respect for freely negotiated the contract terms. "
The law of 21/04/2004, taking a cue from the above has defined the formula:
KNOW HOW ... .. ... ..
The know-how ("know how") is the set of knowledge and techniques to start and run an effective, in un determinato settore. Errore comune da parte delle imprese affilianti è quello di ritenere elementi sufficienti, per “fare franchising”, la propria esperienza in un settore o la capacità di produrre determinati beni o servizi.L’effettivo know how è quello sperimentato con successo in proprie unità pilota, che ricalcano con assoluta fedeltà gli elementi che saranno proposti ai futuri affiliati. Il Franchisee deve aspettarsi che la casa madre metta a disposizione le conoscenze acquisite con queste unità pilota, fornendo corsi di formazione pre-apertura, manuali operativi, sistemi, attrezzature, procedure e metodi di lavoro collaudati, attività di affiancamento, momenti di aggiornamento, consulenza e assistenza.
... .. WHY 'IS FRANCHISING? ... ..
always new companies and entrepreneurs find the "vocation" to the franchise, the franchise companies come from different directions. Fields, experience, organizational structures and motivations underlying the formula are different answers to the achievement of proper operating obiettivi.Si takes account of the origin of the franchisor and the type of product or service that the contraddistingue.Quello Franchise service is a universe particularly complex and composite in origin, size of holdings, sector characteristics. Even the object of activity is greatly variabile.E 'a distortion of the concept Franchise particularly widespread in the Italian tourism. In absolute defiance of the very definition of franchising, as mentioned, provides for the legal autonomy of the franchisee and business are set franchise or affiliation of the collaboration at least "abnormal". The "pseudo-affiliate" has hired several ways, ranging from contractual form joint venture to a Business, from the seller to that of external partners, for the opening and conducting new business. In fact, the company's goal is to recruit staff to work in their branches, waving the Lark mirror of entrepreneurship altogether fictitious, because not sanctioned by the ownership of the new company. The business benefits are numerous: from the economic point of view, you get a share of the employee / manager in business risk with both forms of payment and / or investment (sometimes even by requiring entry fee! ) is at a premium are the result (variable and therefore more effective) paid work, in terms of motivation and attractiveness, it offers an apparently attractive status is better than those of the individual, and finally, from the point of view organizational and bureaucratic We will ensure all facilities (type of legislation for tourism) already provided for those working in the industry and penalize those who open a company from scratch.
The use of franchising to find interesting locations un'escamotage is mainly used by brands in order to seek new commercial space qualified. In this case, the objective is achieved by recruiting affiliates, by offering seemingly favorable conditions. Over time, these benefits are transformed into penalty entrepreneur affiliate, which is "driven" to divest the business.
Alcuni “progetti di franchising” sono in realtà semplici trasposizioni sulla carta di idee imprenditoriali che non riescono a trovare finanziatori e/o che non sono mai state concretamente realizzate. Si vuole accollare all’”affiliato” l’onere di sperimentare sulla propria pelle la validità di un’idea,senza prima averne testato su proprie unità dirette o pilota la fattibilità e la risposta di mercato nelle nuove aree di interesse.
Alla base di qualche iniziativa non c’è un reale progetto imprenditoriale, ma solo la convinzione che la formula sia un buon pretesto per rimediare denaro. Nascono così delle aziende di “franchising” il cui obiettivo è essenzialmente quello di “vendere” diritti di entrata, attrezzature, beni e di incassare corrispettivi di servizi mai erogati.
La configurazione tipo delle future unità affiliate va sperimentata sul campo. Quando il progetto nasce come replica di attività consolidate di proprietà dell’affiliante è possibile effettuare una sperimentazione parziale su loro, ma si deve tener conto che la simulazione sarà inevitabilmente inficiata dal fatto che esiste già un avviamento. Al contrario di quanto accade nel caso di unità affiliate ex novo. Il test migliore is realized by reproducing in every way the average conditions that will lay the franchisee, the franchisor avian and manages the pilot units, or delegated to a trusted third party involved in the project, to verify the actual validity and effectiveness in the market. The moment of pilotage is extremely important and should be fully exploited. Generally we tend to underestimate the value of this phase and compress as much as possible the duration, for a faster start-up of the network. Actually you should consider the objectives planned for the pilot points as a "conditio sine qua non" for the later stages. It makes no sense to involve entrepreneurs affiliati in un progetto che non sta mantenendo le promesse: si rischia di replicare solo l’insuccesso. Meglio allora estendere la durata del pilotage, introdurre i necessari correttivi e attendere gli esisti sperati Si avrà modo in ogni caso di effettuare miglioramenti che potranno essere messi al servizio della futura rete, arricchendone il valore e la capacità di stare sul mercato.
Il prodotto “franchising” non si vende a un cliente. Il destinatario è un partner commerciale, con il quale si instaura un rapporto di collaborazione duraturo nel tempo. L’affiliato richiede formazione adeguata, addestramento del personale, assistenza sulla gestione della propria firm for the duration of the contract, update, ad-supported systems, information exchange and communication is very altro.Uno focal point is the standardization of the transmission path of the know-how. A bill is to provide a training course a few days "at home, another is to follow a detailed training program that provides theoretical training sessions, activities directed at a center or affiliate and seasons coaching on the spot, or rather in the center affiliate in goodwill. And 'this one of the "painful notes" of the Italian franchise. Tuti ifranchisor promise training, many refer, few know how to do them. Teaching is one of the favorite sports our countrymen, but in practice, few spend time, resources, expertise and approach to developing an effective route. Yet it is the stone upon which to build an effective working relationship.
The purchase of a license, know-how, brand, etc.. requires an investment challenging. Hence the need to carefully assess the quality of the franchisor, its formula, the agreement that you are about to firmare.C 'is of course the other: after checking the possible economic and structural soundness of the franchisor the validity of his system, correct form and substance of the proposed contract, it remains to consider the acceptance of the project from its market locale.Punto key part of the agreements between franchisors and franchisees is that of promotional and advertising contributions. Unless the franchisor is not working directly with local planning, advertising royalty demands made by investors with no reason for being. The promotion of the brand should be managed locally by the franchisee and the franchisor, because usually the 'effectiveness of advertising and promotional campaigns designed elsewhere may be ineffective or limited because of the cultural differences between local area and another. And' therefore essential familiar with the franchisor before facing the adventure of a contractual agreement of franchising.Sebbene Italian law has taken a step forward in this direction, much needs to be done to allow greater trasparenza.Il franchisor is required to provide the candidate an affiliate much more detailed documentation of its activities. In the United States, this documentation is called disclosure documents to perspective buyers, or documentation of transparency to potential buyers. Is embodied in a statement called the UFOC (Uniform Offering Circular) which contains a company history, listing the units affiliated with, a list of possible lawsuits incurred in the past and / or in progress, the composition of the management team, commitments and obligations to third parties, and more. This is required for transparency and ethical correctness, to operate the franchise in Italy during the duration of any contract already signed.
... .. WHY 'IS FRANCHISING? ... ..
always new companies and entrepreneurs find the "vocation" to the franchise, the franchise companies come from different directions. Fields, experience, organizational structures and motivations underlying the formula are different answers to the achievement of proper operating obiettivi.Si takes account of the origin of the franchisor and the type of product or service that the contraddistingue.Quello Franchise service is a universe particularly complex and composite in origin, size of holdings, sector characteristics. Even the object of activity is greatly variabile.E 'a distortion of the concept Franchise particularly widespread in the Italian tourism. In absolute defiance of the very definition of franchising, as mentioned, provides for the legal autonomy of the franchisee and business are set franchise or affiliation of the collaboration at least "abnormal". The "pseudo-affiliate" has hired several ways, ranging from contractual form joint venture to a Business, from the seller to that of external partners, for the opening and conducting new business. In fact, the company's goal is to recruit staff to work in their branches, waving the Lark mirror of entrepreneurship altogether fictitious, because not sanctioned by the ownership of the new company. The business benefits are numerous: from the economic point of view, you get a share of the employee / manager in business risk with both forms of payment and / or investment (sometimes even by requiring entry fee! ) is at a premium are the result (variable and therefore more effective) paid work, in terms of motivation and attractiveness, it offers an apparently attractive status is better than those of the individual, and finally, from the point of view organizational and bureaucratic We will ensure all facilities (type of legislation for tourism) already provided for those working in the industry and penalize those who open a company from scratch.
The use of franchising to find interesting locations un'escamotage is mainly used by brands in order to seek new commercial space qualified. In this case, the objective is achieved by recruiting affiliates, by offering seemingly favorable conditions. Over time, these benefits are transformed into penalty entrepreneur affiliate, which is "driven" to divest the business.
Alcuni “progetti di franchising” sono in realtà semplici trasposizioni sulla carta di idee imprenditoriali che non riescono a trovare finanziatori e/o che non sono mai state concretamente realizzate. Si vuole accollare all’”affiliato” l’onere di sperimentare sulla propria pelle la validità di un’idea,senza prima averne testato su proprie unità dirette o pilota la fattibilità e la risposta di mercato nelle nuove aree di interesse.
Alla base di qualche iniziativa non c’è un reale progetto imprenditoriale, ma solo la convinzione che la formula sia un buon pretesto per rimediare denaro. Nascono così delle aziende di “franchising” il cui obiettivo è essenzialmente quello di “vendere” diritti di entrata, attrezzature, beni e di incassare corrispettivi di servizi mai erogati.
La configurazione tipo delle future unità affiliate va sperimentata sul campo. Quando il progetto nasce come replica di attività consolidate di proprietà dell’affiliante è possibile effettuare una sperimentazione parziale su loro, ma si deve tener conto che la simulazione sarà inevitabilmente inficiata dal fatto che esiste già un avviamento. Al contrario di quanto accade nel caso di unità affiliate ex novo. Il test migliore is realized by reproducing in every way the average conditions that will lay the franchisee, the franchisor avian and manages the pilot units, or delegated to a trusted third party involved in the project, to verify the actual validity and effectiveness in the market. The moment of pilotage is extremely important and should be fully exploited. Generally we tend to underestimate the value of this phase and compress as much as possible the duration, for a faster start-up of the network. Actually you should consider the objectives planned for the pilot points as a "conditio sine qua non" for the later stages. It makes no sense to involve entrepreneurs affiliati in un progetto che non sta mantenendo le promesse: si rischia di replicare solo l’insuccesso. Meglio allora estendere la durata del pilotage, introdurre i necessari correttivi e attendere gli esisti sperati Si avrà modo in ogni caso di effettuare miglioramenti che potranno essere messi al servizio della futura rete, arricchendone il valore e la capacità di stare sul mercato.
Il prodotto “franchising” non si vende a un cliente. Il destinatario è un partner commerciale, con il quale si instaura un rapporto di collaborazione duraturo nel tempo. L’affiliato richiede formazione adeguata, addestramento del personale, assistenza sulla gestione della propria firm for the duration of the contract, update, ad-supported systems, information exchange and communication is very altro.Uno focal point is the standardization of the transmission path of the know-how. A bill is to provide a training course a few days "at home, another is to follow a detailed training program that provides theoretical training sessions, activities directed at a center or affiliate and seasons coaching on the spot, or rather in the center affiliate in goodwill. And 'this one of the "painful notes" of the Italian franchise. Tuti ifranchisor promise training, many refer, few know how to do them. Teaching is one of the favorite sports our countrymen, but in practice, few spend time, resources, expertise and approach to developing an effective route. Yet it is the stone upon which to build an effective working relationship.
The purchase of a license, know-how, brand, etc.. requires an investment challenging. Hence the need to carefully assess the quality of the franchisor, its formula, the agreement that you are about to firmare.C 'is of course the other: after checking the possible economic and structural soundness of the franchisor the validity of his system, correct form and substance of the proposed contract, it remains to consider the acceptance of the project from its market locale.Punto key part of the agreements between franchisors and franchisees is that of promotional and advertising contributions. Unless the franchisor is not working directly with local planning, advertising royalty demands made by investors with no reason for being. The promotion of the brand should be managed locally by the franchisee and the franchisor, because usually the 'effectiveness of advertising and promotional campaigns designed elsewhere may be ineffective or limited because of the cultural differences between local area and another. And' therefore essential familiar with the franchisor before facing the adventure of a contractual agreement of franchising.Sebbene Italian law has taken a step forward in this direction, much needs to be done to allow greater trasparenza.Il franchisor is required to provide the candidate an affiliate much more detailed documentation of its activities. In the United States, this documentation is called disclosure documents to perspective buyers, or documentation of transparency to potential buyers. Is embodied in a statement called the UFOC (Uniform Offering Circular) which contains a company history, listing the units affiliated with, a list of possible lawsuits incurred in the past and / or in progress, the composition of the management team, commitments and obligations to third parties, and more. This is required for transparency and ethical correctness, to operate the franchise in Italy during the duration of any contract already signed.
In practice, the franchise contract shall be preceded by a letter of intent or a preliminary agreement (preliminary agreement for the franchise). Letters of intent are no documents, particularly experienced in quei rapporti contrattuali che necessitano di lunghe ed elaborate trattative, che le parti contestualmente sottoscrivono o si scambiano reciprocamente nella fase delle trattative; esse contengono dichiarazioni d’intenzione sulla conclusione di un accordo o di più accordi fra le parti stesse. Il problema giuridico delle dichiarazioni d’intenti è stabilire se siano o meno vincolanti: in proposito prevale l’argomento per il quale tali intese, essendo emerse in sede di trattative, possono dare luogo solo a responsabilità precontrattuale ex art. 1337 c.c. Tali dichiarazioni, comunque le si consideri, producono il duplice effetto di determinare un rafforzamento dell’obbligo precontrattuale, comprimendo l’ambito entro il quale the parties may distance themselves from the negotiations in progress without incurring liability pursuant to art. 1337 cc and mitigating the inviolability of the principle of freedom not to contract, and to feed the expectations of the parties regarding the conclusion of the contract. In any case, when the contract document contains all the elements of the contract and is not subject to further negotiation should be said to be in the presence of a preliminary contract, despite the naming of the document as a letter of intent. The preliminary contract is an agreement under which the parties agree to enter into a subsequent contract, and its actual impact in their legal situation will occur only with the final contract. The preliminary franchise is, therefore, an agreement whereby the parties define their obligations and are committed to signing the final contract. The franchise must be distinguished from the preliminary figures, US-style of contract "pre - franchising" and "pilotage". These figures characterize negotiation of weapons to which the franchisor, in particular, used to test the model and conditions of the franchise system that wants to implement. While the object of the contract prior to franchising is the obligation to provide consent to the arrangement of a future franchise, the subject of pre - franchising and pilotage is the subject of the franchise, ie the transmission by the franchisor to the franchisee, rights, rights, assets that it could not otherwise acquire. However, because there is almost never provided nor a free entry or the payment of any royalties, and because the function of the contract as a mere trial of appalesa economic report, the transfer of rights, rights, goods will be limited and of short duration. The contract for the pre - franchising is an invitation by the franchisor to a farmer to participate in the trial of the model that will lead to develop the know - how the future distribution network. The contract will match more or less, the content of the contract franchise, with the clauses about the signs, trade names and other distinctive signs. If, after testing, not to enter into a genuine contract of franchising, the franchisor and the franchisee must be free to leave any inventory and restructuring charges of the premises, while the franchisee may no longer use the brands and intangibles of the franchisor . If, however, that the trial is successful, the formula will belong to both parties that the contract would have to allocate the ownership and use. The contract for "pilotage" the franchisor has already found the idea or formula, and entrusts to a third party at your own risk, exploitation pilot contract generally does not last more than a year, is the exclusive franchisee in favor of, the obligation of secrecy, and a division of profits, and losses can be set against the franchisee. The preliminary contract of franchise, although part of the stage of progressive formation of the franchise agreement and as this causally dependent, is also a perfect contract itself, once signed, obliges the parties to conclude the final contract. The aspects covered by the preliminary franchise not only express the mere function requires the conclusion of the final contract, but also express a series of tasks of implementation are very important, with which you also define le obbligazioni, la ripartizione dei compiti e dei costi di gestione, le opzioni e gli obblighi di riservatezza che devono vincolare i contraenti anche nel periodo precedente la stipulazione del contratto definitivo. Di questi ultimi aspetti si ricordano gli impegni assunti dal franchisor col patto d’opzione (In base al quale patto il franchisor si obbliga a concludere il contratto definitivo nel caso in cui il potenziale franchisee abbia adempiuto a quanto previsto nel preliminare e a non concludere, per la durata dell’opzione, un altro contratto di franchising nella zona d’attività del potenziale franchisee) e le disposizioni relative alle conseguenze della eventuale mancata conclusione del contratto definitivo (Se uno dei soggetti obbligati a contrarre The franchise does not comply, the other will ask both the enactment of a constitutional ruling that, pursuant to Art. 2932 cc, replaces the agreement and have the same effect of the final contract is not concluded prior to the resolution of the breach, in which case it should also follow the damages that the other party proves that he has suffered, whether the actual damages, ie the costs of meeting the obligations of the preliminary implementation, or lost profits, loss of earnings that is the part that would stretch from the conclusion of the final contract. However, in Italy the instrument of the prior franchise is not used much, preferring to enter directly into contract definitivo, una clausola per la quale l’efficacia dell’accordo si intende sospesa se non si saranno verificate tutte le condizioni preliminarmente previste come indispensabili per la verificazione e la prosecuzione degli effetti del contratto.
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