Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quickest Way To Become An Ordained Minister

Restyling apartment in Piacenza

  Illuminazione della cucina con neon T5 a scomparsa nel cartongesso 

Sanitari Serie 500 Pozzi Ginori con mensola in rovere moro su misura

60x60 floor tile MIRAGE "The Stones"

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can I Skip The Rope After C-section

The commissioner is on facebook Cantagallo

Commissioner Cantagallo has been tagged on facebook and is looking for friendship! In January 2011, created the Facebook page of the character of Commissioner Angelo Cantagallo. Information, images, news, tales unpublished unread and more for readers sympathetic and stubborn Commissioner toscano.

Visit facebook:

Letter Of Expiration Of Employment Contract

Italian Centre for Studies Vexillology

New year, new life!
I joined the Italian Centre for Studies Vexillology, founded in Turin in 1972.
A link to the CISV appear some time in this blog, but I add it here too, for those interested.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Make Metalcore

The Battle of Anghiari

I am pleased to report the recent publication of the book
Anghiari June 29, 1440. The battle, the iconography, the mercenary, heraldry Massimo Predonzani. Publisher
Price € 22.00

Here is a nota sul testo.
Di tutte le battaglie italiane del ‘400, poche sono state tanto commemorate nella letteratura e nella pittura quanto la battaglia di Anghiari.
Lo studio si sofferma sulle cause e gli eventi che precedettero la famosa battaglia e sui personaggi che vi parteciparono. In seguito dedica un ampio spazio al fenomeno delle condotte di ventura del periodo, descrivendo la loro organizzazione e struttura, la funzione delle varie armi avvalendosi rigorosamente su documenti originali coevi.
Vengono esaminati gli antefatti, gli ordini dei rispettivi schieramenti, lo scontro e le perdite. Per dare una visione quanto possibile vicina alla realtà dei fatti, vengono confrontate le numerosissime cronache, resoconti e studi written on the subject. Finally
heraldry, symbols or signs of recognition adopted by the two armies in battle, represented on flags, giornee, stockings and feathers. This is a very careful and thorough study that relies on convincing comparison between the iconography, the historical sources and original documents of the period, with the aim of giving the reader a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe "uniform" or even used in the armies of 'era, all related to almost a hundred color illustrations and black and white, by the author.
They collaborated on the text, with the development of specific topics Battarra Luigi, Andrea Carloni, Claudio Mancini.