synoptic "Geopolitics "
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• The territory has an area of 748 sq km and a population of 101,991 registered inhabitants in 2006 and estimated 104,000 in 2009 with a density of 193 inhabitants / sq km. The capital Nuku'alofa has a population of 25,000 inhabitants in 2007 to become the urban area with 34,311 in 2006. •
whole archipelago is made up of volcanic islands and islets and reefs, which have a tropical climate.
- Internet users: 80.8 per 1000 inhabitants, of which 9.6 DSL in 2009.
Vers 1.0/17.2.11
173: Togo ↔ 175: Trinidad and Tobago
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1. Main parameters. - It is a constitutional monarchy with King George Tupou V from 11 November 2006. His prime minister is Felet Sevele 11 February 2006. Executive power is exercised by the sovereign. "The democratic opening that began in 2006, was to bring in 2010 to reduce the powers of the king and the formation of a parliament elected by universal suffrage."

3. Economics. - The main subsistence crops are sweet potato and cassava, coconuts, bananas and spices are exported. They are important remittances, tourism activities, the sale of fishing rights and financial assets offshore, but are limited by rules against money laundering. A source of revenue is derived from foreign aid, which totaled 26 billion U.S. dollars in 2008, reaching up to 10.1% of GDP. The merchant marine consisted of 52 vessels in 2007.

5 . Giustizia . – Dati non disponibili.
6 . Difesa . – Dati non disponibili.
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