"LOOK IN THE DARK" becomes an audio-book for the blind
"The look in the dark" is was welcomed by Dr. Massimo Vita, President of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Siena. The association has ordered the deployment of the new story of the Commissioner Cantagallo among its members, but with a great new technology. The story, in fact, was made available in an e-book in large print for visually impaired and using audiobooks for the blind. The book is consultable site http://www.uicisiena.org/ UIC Siena. The book was published in "book talk" and from here you can download it in two different formats. The book is the first to appear in the new section "Book talking" UIC of Siena.
Paper talk " (from the site http://www.uicisiena.org/ )
The service performed by the National Book Centre Speech years is an instrument of social and cultural emancipation not only for blind but also for all those people to disease or old age have serious vision problems. Technological progress has played a decisive role in the history of this service since its inception (1957), welcomed enthusiastically, has come a long way, driven by the need to adapt their structures to the rapidly changing needs of the blind to learn, to study, read books to their taste . The influence of this progress has led to the passage from the coils, the audiocasette (still the most used), CD-ROM. The service is delivered in a completely free and takes place through the loan of works recorded that are contained in a catalog that is provided, also free of charge to all subscribers. The catalog now has over 10,000 titles ranging from fiction to science, from history to philosophy, and can be richiesto anche nel formato Braille o su floppy disk. La sua edizione costantemente aggiornata è consultabile anche mediante il programma LP Manager che è possibile scaricare nella apposita pagina del sito con possibilità di effettuare le richieste del prestito a mezzo e-mail. Con periodicità mensile viene registrata su audiocassetta e inviata gratuitamente a tutti gli iscritti la rivista "Libro Parlato Novità" che contiene le indicazioni e una breve recensione delle opere che sono state registrate nel mese immediatamente precedente. I 13 Centri di distribuzione presenti sul territorio nazionale la cui lista è consultabile in questa sezione del sito effettuano altresì la registrazione a richiesta degli utenti di opere di qualsiasi genere (testi scolastici, narrative, handouts, manuals, etc..) using the valuable and disinterested collaboration of volunteer readers. The Distribution Centers of the Book Speaking ensure the tape recording of the following magazines that interested parties can apply directly to individual centers even by phone or e-mail. The numbers and email addresses of each Center are available at the "List of Distribution" means the distribution is free.
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