Last Nov. 25 was officially presented the gift to the Friends of Ceramics made to the Province of Pesaro Pesaro and Urbino.
This is a big ceramic bas-relief representing the province's coat of arms contained in the crown of an artistic objects.
Here's how it was presented by the official announcement of the Province:
" PESARO. You start with a special gift to the Province of the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the Friends of the ceramics of Pesaro. The partnership, led by new president Claudio Gardens, art historian and scholar of local memories, the Administration will provide a relief of Viale Gramsci majolica that plays in a modern and "custom" Rovere coat of arms of the institution.
The work was carried out artist Anna Rosa Basile (...).
around the central nucleus, which faithfully reproduces the original coat of arms , develops a framework that evokes the distinctive arts and the natural elements of the lands of Pesaro Urbino. From a shell wrapped in waves leaving the music, theater, art ceramics represented by symbolic elements. (...)
bonaparte milena / office printing. "

What can I say? If this is art, certainly not heraldry. How could so blatantly wrong partition and glazes figures?
omit some minute details, but some glaring mistakes we can not overlook.
Quell'inquartato red and silver is not the original emblem of the Municipality of Pesaro, also do not understand how this can be done in the eagle emblem on a blue silver Este :-)))
L 'heraldry is not the arithmetic: changing the order of its parts the result changes, and how! So changed the order of the glazes on the banded eagle Urbino had to change livery not to disappear in a dark, black-blue.
I do not think that is enough to justify these errors clear in retrospect that the emblem was " revised and updated, as far as the peripheral part and the choice of different chromatic da quella tradizionale " (da "il Nuovo amico" del 06.12.2009, p. 21).
Questa affermazione dimostra una sostanziale ignoranza araldica: innanzi tutto lo stemma della Provincia è quello dato dall'unione degli stemmi comunali di Pesaro e di Urbino, mentre la cornice è un mero elemento decorativo lasciato, questo sì, al libero arbitrio dell'artista di turno; in secondo luogo gli smalti di uno stemma non sono folclore ma elementi costitutivi dello stemma stesso e non possono essere mutati alla bisogna.
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