One of the terms in recent years has often been cited as an "answer to all problems of web marketing" is certainly the concept of "buzz marketing" . The English word is onomatopoeic and refers to the buzz buzzing of bees and the fact buzz marketing is the ability to reach as quickly as possible what is called swarm , that is a homogeneous group of users to an interest in a category of products / services. Buzz Marketing is the strategy of those who, consciously or unconsciously, free or paid, using the web through, for example, blogs, forums and social networks to talk and talk (or try to speak) of goods, companies, brands, services, etc. .
The techniques for doing this are manifold and evolving in line with the evolution of media in which they are proposed, Seeding, that is the seed of information / content is the main technique, ie, is the ' action that should lead to the buzz. There are other technical terms as more or less similar to the buzz marketing: online pr, word of mouth, viral marketing. They are virtually all non-conventional communication strategies, spesso l'una il risultato dell'altra.
Chi fa Buzz Marketing cerca di influenzare l'opinione dei potenziali acquirenti, sfruttando le logiche e i vantaggi del web oppure guidando o controllando le opinioni ed i pareri "naturali" che i normali consumatori hanno di un determinato prodotto/servizio.
Le aziende stanno incominciando a capire le potenzialità di questo tipo di marketing per cui la comunicazione diventa non più monodirezionale ma relazionale.
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