E 'Scandinavia in the '60s that the idea of \u200b\u200bthis interesting way of life that must be aggregated under the name of co-housing, a "neighborhood community" made up of people who have chosen to live in a residential complex in shared services. A successful experiment, at least judging by the fact that over time this model has spread in Northern Europe, United States, Japan and is now beginning to take hold in Italy. These are small residential centers built through a participatory planning, co-exist where the autonomy of private space, that is their home, and environments and services, such as cleaning, catering, health care, but also leisure and time free, gyms, gardens, gardens, small animal farms, shops and anything else that might raise the inhabitants of these structures from the problems of daily life as independent as possible from the big towns, from which, however, not be great distance. Co-housing means, therefore, live together and share. Not only activities and services, but also share the desire to escape the marginalization of the individual, the scourge of modern society, especially in large cities where millions of people run the same streets using the same public services, without knowing each other. People left alone, often isolated even from family and friends, overwhelmed by the effort and commitment. Co-residence means collecting the attention of others who have made the same choice, fleshing out a time working with others and for others, sharing resources and the desire to live in the same apartment complex. In short, find the pleasure of being together. Born as a housing solution
eg small families or single people or young people, co-residence, as it is outlined the experiences already in place, seems to be a good solution for people in later years, left alone or in pairs, which here would find the antidote to loneliness and anonymity of the city. In this case, shared services include that of carers spending at home or health care specialist, bike rides and trips on weekends. In the co-residence, you can choose between the rent as a share costs for common services, the use of the property can also be a fixed term; or purchase of individual housing portion and share common areas, beyond the payment of services.
In Italy are currently four companies belonging to the National Institute of Study and Promotion of co-housing (Ispco), and their names refer explicitly to their main purpose: Cohousing.it, CoHabitando, cohabitation and Eco-living. Implicit in the name of that recall the instance label, which in this case as in that of CoHabitando is an essential element in the design of housing units, driven by environmental sustainability (the concept, however, generally embraced by those who approach the world of cohabitation, assuming that a respect for others "impose" the attention to the preservation of the world) and energy saving.
The key issue is the possibility of being able to have a life with free time and peace of mind enough to enjoy it: condition achieved through mutual cooperation, established according to the skills and availability of each (therefore involving a guarantee of the much coveted "security") and "pooling" of business management, social and recreational activities. Which means that just the famous areas, depending on the needs determined by a comparison between the group members, they can go from the laundry the day nursery, hobby room at the gym, a dining room with shared rooms for guests , from the orchard to the fleet. All this also implies significant cost savings generated by reducing waste, the use of external services and the cost of goods purchased collectively (the majority of "community" is in fact also buying groups, and in some cases can be bought in town as well as some services , such as a babysitter for children of different families).
The future inhabitants of the residence involved in the project and its daily management in accordance with principles egalitarian. In some communities, residents may decide to turn to hate cooking in the kitchen help. The meals are a key concept in common because they are a time for socializing.
The criteria for construction of the housing include recycling systems water or energy savings, as well as the use of alternative technologies. As the production of solar energy. In Denmark, the Netherlands and the United States have quickly realized that this way of life that seeks to combine need for autonomy and desire to live with others could be a good alternative for the elderly.
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