"Honolulu arrivooo!" He shouted Merlin seeing the new logo of the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo". I do not have Merlin and elsewhere and I can not escape to another time, another that remains to comment on the outcome of the operation that led to the establishment of the new logo of the work of the design studio Eikon.
Before addressing the merits of the issue, there are two questions that arises: we really need to redesign the emblem University? It would not be appropriate to hold a competition? Well the first answer no and yes to the second, especially given the presence of the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, the ISI and the Art Institute, not to mention overseas Trasanni ...
The university, however , has given conflicting answers, but with a very disappointing result, it has been responsible for radical change of its logo (officially not a substitute for the historian), outsourcing the work to an agency of graphics without competition, as happened with another very poor result, in the fifth centenary of the University. Coaction to repeat?
"Show the image in a message, flexible and comprehensive, in step with the times", "give a vision recognition and visibility," a "new line of communication. A new image, coherent and harmonious being understood and being of the University, "even" a new identity, fresh, and dynamic impact of European universities ", he went so far as to invoke a" New Renaissance ", which the city of Urbino is a symbol. These are some of the statements that accompanied the launch of the new logo. Generic words vacue e scontate che non avrebbero stonato nella bocca di uno stilista qualsiasi a margine dell’ennesimo défilé.
Lasciamo perdere il contorno e dedichiamoci alla sostanza. Non so se Eikon abbia compiuto studi preliminari sull’evoluzione storica e artistica dello stemma dell’Ateneo urbinate, o se si sia limitata a copiare pedissequamente la piccola ricerca che io realizzai negli anni ‘90 del secolo scorso, come fece l’agenzia Kaleidon in occasione della creazione del logo per la ricorrenza del 5° centenario dell’Ateneo Il dubbio che non abbia fatto né l’uno né l’altra, sorge leggendo nel comunicato stampa che il nuovo emblema “si ispira the original logo that is found in a patch of the second half of 1800 (...) ". A statement that says a lot about the background of the final result of the operation.
It 'was explained that "The new line of communication ensures continuity between the previous and current imagery, puts the figure at the center of the Immaculate", but is it really?

(Latest version of the emblem historical) (Emblem made by Eikon)
Esaminando il nuovo logo dell’Università ritrovo l’immagine dell’Immacolata in forma assai stilizzata, una sorta di datata e modesta icona, sostanzialmente irriconoscibile, se non per la vistosa aureola che però accentua la somiglianza della Vergine a un mozzicone di candela acceso.
I numerosi particolari della più classica iconografia dell’Immacolata, presenti nell’emblema storico, di origine sfragistica, sembrano scomparsi del tutto. Forse gli autori del nuovo logo hanno inteso rappresentare la luna con un tozzo semicerchio rovesciato azzurro e la serpe con la leggera onda alla base della veste della Vergine? Forse, ma con quale risultato?
Sotto questa rappresentazione agiografica troviamo una grossa lettera u maiuscola. Leggo nel comunicato stampa che “la U di Urbino diventa lo scudo, lo stemma che incornicia l’immagine sacra”. Tralasciando l’uso improprio del termine stemma, appare evidente che così non è: la lettera U sostituisce lo stemma bandato già presente nel registro inferiore dell’emblema e non incornicia l’immagine sacra, mah!
Quella lettera maiuscola richiama alla mente il logo ideato da Albe Steiner per il sistema coordinato di segnalazione pubblica del Comune di Urbino nel 1969, ma il grande designer salvò il bandato araldico dello stemma civico, collocandolo dentro la lettera U che acquisiva - in questo caso sì - la doppia valenza di scudo ed'iniziale of the name. Eikon
course could not revive the idea of \u200b\u200bamble of the great designer, so he simply deleted the image heraldry band in the city of Urbino, maintaining a single letter, in itself anonymous.
In essence the work accomplished has removed all references of arms (bendy arms, crown, shield baroque), which also helped to balance the presence of the Immaculate in the symbol of an institution that has always been secular, except for a handful of ' years, during its five centuries of history. The emblem
band, in particular, strongly characterized this aspect of the story institution. It was not and is not, as the statement "the arms of Montefeltro to visually confirm the birth of the University at the time of the last duke of the house, I Guidobaldo (1506). At the time of the founding of the College of Surgeons (1506), the emblem, formerly of the Montefeltro family, had already become one of the city, with the evolution of the weapon ducal heraldry began in the first half of the fifteenth century.
weapon bend azure and gold with an eagle on the second band has always been present in the symbol of the University as a weapon of the city, because the old College Founded in 1506, was exactly and precisely the College of Surgeons of the City of the new logo of Urbino.In conclusion is rejected without reservation and it is sad that it is referred to as "sign of the change of pace that is practical with the Rector of Prof . Pivato.
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