"The story is a tribute to my grandfather in the early 19o0 he served as a policeman in Sicily in a station of a small town in the province of Catania. The memory of the episodes in which my grandfather was the star in that time has been passed down through the stories of my parents. I them evokes this first episode to conserve memory of persons have belonged my family because must keep alive remember our predecessors; whom showed us the way forward; whom taught us remember not to forget. thank the President of the Cultural Messinaweb.eu Fodale Rosario - http://www.messinaweb.eu/ cultural association for the on-line disclosure in the world of history, art and traditions of the province of Messina - which enabled publish in internet the tale. Special thanks to ' friend, the poet Philip Messina Scolareci that allowed the character of the Commissioner of Cantagallo down in Sicily and that gave me some useful advice for writing the story. The story is part of the first series of unpublished short story 'Ariadne's Thread' on-line in 2008 on the website of http://www.valdelsa.net/ and already published two novels, 'Inside a dead end '(Lalli - 2007) and' Murder in the sun '(Lalli - 2008) that are inserted in the series' fiction books - Library of Yellow' Lalli Editore publishing house http://www.lallieditore.it/ . The story is a tribute to all directions because the text is completely free, 'free' as we say today to make everyone understand that something is free to use with no money to pay, and anyone can leggerselo comfortably without spending a euro. Happy reading. " Fabio
The story can be read free at Messinaweb.eu
by Friday, January 30, 2009.
The story in brief
First survey Sicilian Commissioner Cantagallo and other events to unravel an intricate murder of a man killed by gunshot wounds. Cantagallo not tira mai indietro, soprattutto se lo coinvolge il suo amico maresciallo Saro Bompensiere, paesano della moglie del commissario e comandante della Stazione dei Carabinieri del paese di San Rocco Etneo. Cantagallo si trova in ferie con la famiglia a Capobianco, paese nativo della moglie, dove abitualmente torna ogni anno per passare le ferie di fine estate. Il maresciallo incontra per caso Cantagallo mentre è in visita ai mosaici della Villa del Casale a Piazza Armerina. Bompensiere chiede al commissario di dargli una mano perché è alle prese con il delitto “fituso” di un uomo trovato morto ammazzato dentro un’auto vicino ad una stradina di campagna nei pressi del paese di Grammichele. Il maresciallo Bompensiere sta indagando da parecchi giorni, but can not deal with them. All facts push investigations into the storage of office for a crime, like many others, committed by persons unknown. Bompensiere is there and wants to see clearly. Within a few days, the marshal shall provide a response to the Deputy Attorney Turiddu Marturana, with which the blood does not flow well. Marturana want to store the crime quickly because he is convinced that this is a common crime committed by thugs in the area. Commissioner Cantagallo analyzes the facts and there are few elements for the construction of its "mosaic criminal." Everything seems simple, but it is not. The discovery of a mysterious telegram in Sicilian dialect to reopen the investigation investigation and a new runway to the real murderess unexpected. All will be revealed at the last moment and murder will be unmasked by a clever ploy by Commissioner Cantagallo. They will not be an easy thing because Cantagallo knows very well that old proverb that says: "Who wants to turn, your butt should bathe in the sea."
's Note
"This mystery story is a story of pure fantasy. Names, characters, dates and places mentioned are pure inventions of the author and sacrosanct. Who has been recognized in certain descriptions of the story, know that the author did not do it on purpose. Some facts draw from reality in order to give greater accuracy to the narrative. In this story the commissioner Cantagallo is to spend the holidays in Sicily, land of birth of his wife. Cantagallo I usually go down to Sicily once a year to return to the country where she was born wife of the Commissioner. The people, when conversing in Sicilian, speak a dialect typical of the country of Nyssa 'Capobianco', where she was born Yolanda. In this short story I tried to play in private dialogues in Sicilian, without wanting to compete with other authors of the genre. So I wanted to pay homage to a piece of this magnificent region that honors Italy for its rich lands of values, traditions and history. For this, the beginning of the story, I focused on the mosaics of the Villa del Casale at Piazza Armerina: I could not do otherwise. I mosaics Villa del Casale were declared 'Heritage Unesco'. In my opinion, it is unthinkable that an Italian wants to visit a museum on top of the world just to see a picture famous foreigner, without having first seen the splendid mosaics of the Villa del Casale in Sicily. The details of the historical references Occhiolà Baron and his family were collected in a number of documents available on the Internet. I will not dwell further. The story finds its natural place in a small town invented called 'Capobianco,' the province of Caltanissetta, in the heart of Sicily. Names and trademarks mentioned in the story belong to their respective owners. Any analogy with places, facts, references and situations, names, surnames or nicknames of people, living or dead, is considered a 'twist of fate' and should only be attributed to chance. I conclude with a Sicilian proverb, which is so dear to me and would also like to Commissioner Cantagallo "Mistura, mitticcinni na visazza, the flaw com vua, always Cucuzza," or "If the material is poor, good food can not do miracles! ». Thank you for reading my story. Sabbenedica ".
In this first survey in Sicily Commissioner Cantagallo compares its argument with his friend and fellow investigative Bompensiere Rosario, a policeman in the small village of San Rocco Etna in the province of Catania. In the account of the explanations are also provided to help you understand certain situations arising in the first two novels published.
Cantagallo Commissioner does not make use of his team to discover the culprit, but better use of his wits to unravel the murder of a seemingly inexplicable.