Tra arte e cultura oltre i limiti della sequenza
a cura di Toti Carpentieri

Sul reperto affiorante da una sorta di magma cromatico solcato da tracciati, apparentemente casuali, alcune presenze vagamente Metal draw our attention to the reflection of light rays and a sort of cryptic messages indecipherable and sometimes literary sometimes arranged in a clear numerical sequences.
And so from the pyramids, and squares (the latter having fifty-five, thirty-four, twenty-one, thirteen, eight, five, three inches square ..) Arianna Spizzico, with the mind, we fly in space and time .- omissis-
... But time and space are represented? And how?
William Blake, English artist refined in which the sensory data is transformed into figurative and prophetic vision, idendificava time with the male and female with the space, and stresses as their interpenetration could produce the events, even those special and complex. While the chemistry recognizes the male and female sulfur in Mercury.
... The uniqueness of the works and in their succession and reflected no longer interested in the relationship between sign and thing, but that between the sign and sign language strictly in accordance with a plan in which the sequence of interpretations is made to same time, by verbal symbols and figures. Confirms that the communication is a mental process. -Omitted-
... The presence of metals and works of Ariadne, seem so to undergo a kind of fermentation while the same chemical and physical phenomena, but also how that language, in a kind of transmutation / oxidation, allows objects (those recognizable - shells, diodes, integrated circuits, and the mystery-even fragments, chips, scrap-) and the global construction-that being sunk in the magma chromaticity of the painting - to acquire the status of a work of art.
The luminescent trails crossing the spatial symbolism of the pyramid - that multiply the triangularity and the subsequent reference to the pagan and religious significance of the number three - bring us up to the conch shell, perhaps left by pilgrims in the same path that goes from to Santiago in the certainty of reaching the star to imposessarsene. Again
between memory e suggestione, in recupero poetico e metaforico del passato ben oltre ogni valore feticista, ma nella capacità consolidata di stabilire una interconnessione tra il presente e il futuro.
E ricordando che Democrito dice: "...è assai difficile conoscere quali siano le reali proprietà delle cose", non possiamo non chiederci: Dove mai finirà l'altro capo del filo di Arianna?.